Masturbating When Menstruation Is Safe, As long as You Pay Attention to These Things


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There are various reasons for someone masturbating. The reason often found is to get sexual satisfaction from the solo action. Some people also masturbate to vent sexual harassment that has been buried. Masturbation is done in both men and women. However, in women there are often doubts about safety and their effects on health when masturbating during menstruation.

Get to know masturbation

Masturbation is an activity carried out by someone to get sexual stimulation by touching a sensitive area or his own sex organs. Women will usually provide sexual stimulation to the breast, clitoris, and vagina by touching, feeling, and playing.

Masturbation is usually done until he reaches pleasure and sensation of sexual satisfaction. Not only about satisfaction, masturbation also has benefits for your physical and mental health. The benefits of masturbation include:

  • Increase mood
  • Relieve stress
  • Makes you sleep better
  • Relax the body and mind
  • Relieve menstrual pain
  • Strengthens sex organs

Can masturbation during menstruation?

Actually, masturbation in women is a relatively safe sexual activity if done in the right and healthy way. However, you need to know that the condition of the cervix when menstruating is in a slightly open condition. This causes the uterus to be prone to infection because bacteria and viruses easily enter.

Research also shows that women who lack the cleanliness of their bodies and intimate organs during menstruation are more prone to urinary tract infections and bacterial vaginosis. Even so, you can still masturbate during menstruation in a safer way. For example by stimulating the nipples and the area around the breast, or by clamping the thighs with rhythmic movements.

woman orgasm is

How to masturbate during menstruation?

Actually there is no sure way to masturbate. Because basically, every woman has its own sensitivity to the technique and how to masturbate. Every woman will try and do the most successful techniques to drive her to orgasm.

However, if you want to masturbate during menstruation, you should do it in a safer way to avoid infection or health problems in the vagina. Masturbation is not only done by touching or playing the clitoris with the finger. Some women can reach orgasm when masturbating without touching the genitals, namely by playing or fingering the breasts and nipples.

Masturbation during menstruation in women can also be done in various positions. Quoted from the health site Everyday Health, masturbation is generally done by opening the width of both thighs or even crossing and pinching each other's thighs in a rhythmic motion.

Masturbation by clamping both thighs keeps you away from the risk of infection, because there is no physical contact between fingers or sexual aids with the genital area that is vulnerable to infection. If you want to stimulate the clitoral area, make sure to keep your fingers clean before and after masturbating.

Although masturbation during menstruation has its own benefits, such as relieving pain or abdominal cramps, but you are also at risk of being infected with bacteria and viruses if your fingers are not cleaned properly. If you are still unsure, you can consult further with a doctor or sexologist about masturbating during menstruation.

Masturbating When Menstruation Is Safe, As long as You Pay Attention to These Things
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