5 Delicious Eating Tips Without Fear of Symptoms of Deep Heat


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When experiencing a condition of sore throat, hot mouth, sprue, and Dry lips, most people often associate these conditions with symptoms of heartburn. Especially when a person experiences spiciness, where the body temperature rises, blushing, ejects a lot of sweat, and the mouth feels hot. In fact, for people who really like spicy food, that sensation is exactly what they are looking for.

So, what's hot and what's the connection with spiciness? Then how do you avoid the symptoms of heartburn if you are a lover of spicy and oily foods? Find out the answers in this article.

Is it hot?

Cited on the page Coverage6, Dr. T Bahdar Johan, Sp.PD said that in the medical world the term heat is not known. So, heat is actually not a disease. Actually, heat in itself is a series of symptoms of a disease that can attack the mouth, throat and digestive system.

In essence, the symptoms of heartburn occur as a result of certain health conditions. That is why, the principle of overcoming this condition is fairly easy. The most important thing to treat heartburn is to first identify the cause of the symptoms you are experiencing. That way, you will know what treatment is suitable for your condition.

Why can spicy eating cause symptoms of heartburn?

Sweating, red face, watery eyes and hot mouth like burning are the three most common things that occur when a person is feeling hot. Why can eating spicy food cause this sensation?

So like this, in general spicy food and heat are a stimulant. Both types of food stimulate blood circulation and increase body temperature. If you eat spicy food in a place that also has a high temperature, the body will automatically do the evaporation process by encouraging the production of sweat which functions to cool the body.

The sensation of spicy taste like hot and burning mouth is caused by the capsaicin compound in chili. When someone consumes spicy food, the capcaicin compound will stick to the tongue receptor. Then, the receptor on the tongue will bring a signal to the brain that the body has touched something hot which is then considered to be spicy. This sensation then makes some people feel a hot sensation and burn in their mouth.

Tips for eating spicy without fear of symptoms of heartburn

The content of capsaicin in chili or piperine in pepper is effective in increasing appetite. Not infrequently, this makes many people eat spicy foods frantically regardless of the sensations that arise afterwards.

Well, for those of you who like spicy food, but are confused about how to relieve spiciness in the mouth, here are tips that you can try.

1. Drink milk

According to the American Chemical Society casein protein contained in milk helps replace capsaicin compounds that attach to your tongue's nerve receptors. That is why drinking milk is the fastest way to relieve spiciness and a burning sensation that appears in the mouth.

2. One teaspoon of sugar

Eating a teaspoon of sugar or honey can be one way to reduce the sensation of spiciness that you are experiencing. Because the sugar can absorb the spicy oil contained in capsaicin so that it can relieve the spicy taste you feel.

3. Chew something rough

Crackers, bread, and rice provide receptors in your mouth by giving different signals to absorb capsaicin compounds so they don't enter your body very quickly. In addition, eating starchy foods can also be another alternative to relieve spiciness.

4. Rinse a mixture of salt water, betel leaf and lime

The benefits of salt water for oral health are no doubt. Since long ago, salt water has been used to clean wounds, prevent infections while eliminating bad breath.

Just like salt, betel leaf has also been shown to inhibit the growth of oral bacteria so that it can help maintain your dental health. While lime can help fight bacteria, the extract can also make your breath more refreshed. Well, these three ingredients can be mixed together and used as a natural mouthwash to help reduce your feeling of spiciness.

5. Brush your teeth

In addition to the methods mentioned above, in fact brush your teeth also can be a powerful way to relieve spiciness. Don't let the hot mouth and fresh breath due to spicy food interfere with your activities.

5 Delicious Eating Tips Without Fear of Symptoms of Deep Heat
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