7 Foods and Beverages that Are Not Consumable After Extracting Teeth


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Have you just pulled teeth? To speed up recovery, you should not consume food or drinks carelessly. There are a number of dietary and beverage restrictions that you must obey after removing your teeth. What should be avoided? Here is the complete information.

When can you start eating after pulling teeth?

After surgery, pull out your teeth, mouth and jaw, you may still feel numb due to the influence of anesthesia. However, the effect of this anesthetic will usually disappear within a few hours. So take it easy, you can still eat after pulling teeth.

Even though you can eat a few hours later, you still have to be careful when choosing a food menu. Because, certain foods and drinks may not be consumed for weeks after you pull your teeth.

If only one or two teeth are removed and there are no serious complications during surgery, you may already be able to eat foods that have a rather dense texture within 24 hours. However, because the case of each person varies, you should ask your dentist directly about the best treatment after removing your teeth.

Good food to speed up recovery

In order for your gums, teeth, and tissues to recover faster, make sure to eat foods that have a soft texture first. For example porridge, cream soup, mashed potatoes (mashed potato), porridge oatmeal, team rice, yogurt or pudding. That way, your mouth and teeth don't need to work too hard to destroy food.

Abstinence from food after the teeth are removed

Make sure you abstain from consuming the following foods and drinks until the former pulls your teeth back. The time needed is indeed different, starting from a few days to a week. You can adjust the condition of your gums and teeth yourself with the food or drink you consume.

1. Soft drinks

Soda or carbonation can break down blood clots that fill the former area of ​​tooth extraction. In fact, this blood clot is very useful for healing wounds or infections after removing teeth. Therefore, avoid carbonated drinks first.

2. Foods and drinks that are too cold or hot

Temperatures that are too extreme, whether it's too cold or hot, can make the gums become painful. The reason is, after dental surgery you will usually be more sensitive to food and drinks with extreme temperatures.

So make sure your soup, porridge, or tea isn't too hot. Also note that your water is not as cold as ice.

3. Spicy food

Spicy food can make the former area of ​​tooth extraction irritating or sore. Therefore, avoid spicy food before your wounds improve.

4. Hard and crispy food

Hard and crunchy foods will be easier to get caught in the area of ​​the former dental surgery. This can invite bacteria to nest and breed. In addition, you also have to chew harder when the gums are recovering.

5. Alcoholic and caffeinated drinks

Do you like to drink beer or coffee? You should avoid it first, until your teeth improve. Because the content of alcohol and caffeine can inhibit the recovery process. Both will also make you lose a lot of body fluids because they are diuretic. In fact, you need enough body fluids to heal faster.

6. Sticky food

Sticky foods such as sticks, sticky rice, and gum can stick to the former tooth extraction area and make it irritating. So, try to eat foods that are easy to swallow first.

7. Acidic foods and drinks

The acidity of food and drinks such as oranges, vinegar, tomatoes, mangoes, and kimchi can make the former dental surgery area stinging. So, in the early days of restoration of teeth you should eat foods that taste not too strong or stinging.

7 Foods and Beverages that Are Not Consumable After Extracting Teeth
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