Running Routines, Secrets To Keep Bones Healthy and Strong


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Running exercise has been proven to provide various health benefits. Run to keep in shape and strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Obtained having investigations, running regularly can keep the bones strong and healthy. How come?

Running strengthens bones

Bone is a living tissue, which means the bone is able to respond to pressure by strengthening itself so that it can support the whole body as it should. At each step of the run, you will give a large amount of pressure on the bone as your feet touch the ground. Over time, run strengthen bones. The reason why running sports is called high-impact activity is because the pressure on the bones and joints when running is much higher than in other activities (eg walking).

Running increases bone density

Running strengthens bones, but the benefits of running for bones also affect its density. Bone density is determined by how many minerals form bone in your bones. People with low bone density are at risk of developing osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones weaken and damage themselves.

Low-impact activities, such as walking, have almost no effect on bone density. But by running, you dramatically increase bone density. Routine exercise since a young age is believed to stimulate bone mineral production so as to prevent bone loss and reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

A good way to run for bones

Bone You will get used to running sports that you do and stop growing. So you have to increase the amount of your activity gradually over time until you reach the recommended distance. If you have just started, do not try to complete the 20 km route at the first opportunity. The body needs time to adjust, especially if you haven't been active for a long time. Rush will only cause injury and bad health problems.

To get maximum results, you must plan a running routine and stick to it.Good distance advice to achieve the benefits of running to strengthen bones is 20 to 30 km per week. Runners are advised not to exceed this mileage because excessive exercise can increase cortisol levels in the blood. Excess cortisol can cause permanent damage to bone tissue. According to one study, runners who traveled 90 km per week actually had even lower bone density than people who lived sedentary lives.

What needs to be understood, running exercise has no effect on all bones in the body. Therefore you will have to combine it with other weight training to increase bone density in other areas of the body.

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Running Routines, Secrets To Keep Bones Healthy and Strong
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