Pregnancy Development on Week 29


Medical Video: 29 Weeks Pregnant: What is Happening in 29th Week of Pregnancy?

Embryo growth

How is the development of the fetus 29 weeks pregnant?

When it has entered fetal development 29 weeks of gestational age, your baby is now the size of a pumpkin weighing 1.1 kg and a length of 38.1 cm from head to heel.

Your baby continues to be active, and initially smooth movements have become strong blows that might surprise you. If you see a decrease in movement activity, count the fetal kick: your baby must move at least 10 times in two hours.

If your baby is not moving, talk to your doctor.

Changes in the Body

What are the changes in the body of a pregnant woman on week 29?

Some long-standing symptoms such as heartburn and constipation may now increase. Progesterone pregnancy hormone relaxes smooth muscle tissue throughout your body, including the digestive tract. This condition, coupled with the fullness of your stomach makes digestion work slow and can cause gas and heartburn, especially after a big meal, and make constipation.

Enlarging your uterus may also contribute to hemorrhoids. Swollen veins in the rectal area are common during pregnancy. Fortunately, this condition usually subsides in the early weeks after giving birth.

Maintain a pregnancy that runs 29 weeks

At the end of pregnancy, fetal movements that you can feel will decrease. Your baby now has little room to move around the uterus, especially when his head has fallen into the pelvic area.

But always be vigilant because drastic reduction in baby movements in the third trimester can also indicate that your baby is at risk or a problem that might be related to the umbilical cord or placenta.

Visit to Doctor / Midwife

What do I need to discuss with the doctor on week 29?

Go to the doctor immediately if you feel worried about the movements that are less than your baby. You might be asked about the last time you felt the baby's movements or how many times you could feel it in a few hours. The doctor may only want to check the condition of the fetus and everything is usually fine.

If there is a problem, you have to give birth prematurely or do some other method that supports it. You might see some spider veins on your red skin it spreads from the center and looks like a spider's leg. This is a result of increased blood circulation. You can also see this condition on your face, neck, breasts or arms and this condition will disappear several weeks after giving birth.

Tests that may be needed at gestational age 29 Sunday

This week may be the last time to undergo a monthly test. In the future, you may have to visit your doctor every 2 weeks or even every week until birth. On this month's test, you will be tested for blood pressure and weight and asked about the signs and symptoms you might have. The doctor also asks you to describe your baby's movements and schedule of activities: when your baby is moving and when he is not. You will be examined for the size of the uterus as before.

Pregnancy Development on Week 29
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