5 Benefits of Gargling with Salt Water


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Gargling with salt water has been done since time immemorial, and is believed to overcome almost all mouth problems. Salt mixed in water should not be too much, because using excess salt can actually harm the body. Salt has a natural quality for sucking moisture with the osmosis process, killing bacteria, and reducing pain. The health benefits of salt water are based on these characteristics. To find out what are the benefits of gargling with salt water, let's look at the following.

5 Benefits of gargling with salt water

1. Overcoming sore throat

In sore throat or pharyngitis, gargling with salt water can make the mouth discomfort treated, even if only for a while. Salt water works using the osmosis method, which is concentrated in inflamed tissue by absorbing all moisture content and helping to relieve pain. Bacterial growth will also stop due to lack of moisture, and eventually die. After that, you will experience inflammation that subsides and feels relieved. Problems with laryngitis, tonsillitis, and other throat problems can also be overcome by gargling salt water.

2. Relieve nose problems

Gargling with salt water can also affect the nasal cavity by draining all mucus and eliminating bacterial infections. How the salt water works on the nose is done by the entry of fluid in the blood capillaries, which allows the capillary to dilate. It all causes the release of mucus buildup so that mucus flows out. In addition, bronchitis problems will decrease, and sinus infections and allergies also disappear.

3. Overcoming the problem of bad breath (halitosis)

Halitosis is a medical term for bad breath. This is a condition that can make everyone feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, poor oral hygiene is also a major cause in many cases. But if you have had a severe problem with bad breath, gargling a few times may still not beat halitosis.

4. Relieve gingivitis

Gingivitis is a condition characterized by swelling, inflammation, and bleeding gums caused by the growth of bacteria that naturally coat the teeth. The development of bacteria forms a sticky and whitish layer, called plaque. Gargling with salt water every day can help treat inflamed gums, and eliminate bacteria in the gums.

5. Overcome problems on the tongue

The white layer formed on the tongue can be removed by gargling salt water. In fact, gargling with warm salt water can cure burns on the tongue. This is because salt water can help reduce pain and inflammation, care must be taken to keep salt levels to a minimum, in order to avoid burning sensations.

How to use salt water to gargle

There are several variations of salt water recipes for gargling. However, you can use one of the easiest recipes and according to your personal taste which will be explained below. And remember not to make it too salty.

  • Use half to three quarters of a teaspoon of salt mixed with one glass of warm water.
  • After the salt dissolves, gulp a little water and gargle around the gums and mouth. Do this for 30 seconds and then spit it all out.
  • Do it again for the second time and repeat for 30 seconds. This will lift the pieces of food that stick to the gaps of the teeth and kill the bacteria that cause excess plaque.
  • Then brush your teeth and use dental floss.
  • Some recommend adding baking soda to half a teaspoon of salt water mixed with warm water. This can also help whiten your teeth. Other solutions that can be used in combination with salt are hydrogen peroxide, coconut oil, aloe vera extract, sesame oil, or sunflower oil.


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5 Benefits of Gargling with Salt Water
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