5 Most Common Causes of Snoring


Medical Video: Sleep Apnea in Children

Snoring aka snoring may have become a part of your daily life. Either you are a sufferer of snoring who is often protested by sleeping friends, or even you are the victim of a sleeping partner who every night disturbs the peace with the sound of his snoring. However, what exactly is the cause of snoring and can we prevent it?

The process of snoring

Snoring occurs when you cannot release air freely through your throat and nose. This makes the tissue around the respiratory tract vibrate, resulting in a disturbing snoring sound. People who snore often have too much nose and throat tissue that is more prone to vibrate. In addition, the position of your tongue during sleep can also block the passage in and out of air during sleep.

People snore for a variety of different reasons. If you really understand what causes you to snore, then you can begin to determine the right solution to get a more restful and restful night's sleep.

The most common causes of snoring

Reporting from Help Guide, some of the causes of snoring most often experienced by many people include:

1. Being overweight

Fatty tissue and poor muscle mass contribute to your snoring. In fact, if you don't have excess weight, just having an extra burden around your neck and throat can cause you to snore. Generally, regular exercise and trying to lose weight can get around this sleep disorder.

2. Age

In mid-age, your throat can narrow, and the muscle mass in your throat can decrease. Age cannot be tampered with, but you can manage your snoring by changing your lifestyle, changes in sleep time, and throat exercises.

3. Anatomy of the body

Men have a breathing pathway that is narrower than women, and more likely to snore. The narrow, cleft pathway, enlarged thyroid gland, and other physical attributes are genetic products that can affect the frequency of your snoring. Genetics cannot be changed, but you can get around snoring with changes in your sleep routine and proper lifestyle, early sleep, and throat exercises.

4. Respiratory problems

Nasal congestion, whatever the reason (runny nose, allergies, sinusitis), can make it difficult for you to breathe and make empty space in your throat, which causes snoring. Bathing in warm water before bed to open the airway is more relieved. Neti pot can also be used to clean the respiratory tract with the help of salt and water solutions.

5. Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs

These three things can affect your snoring. Sedatives, like lorazepam and diazepam, can increase the muscle soreness that causes snoring. The solution: avoid alcohol and stop smoking. Talk to your doctor about prescription drugs that you use, because some types of drugs can make you sleep very soundly and make the sound of snoring worse.


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5 Most Common Causes of Snoring
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