Although Similar, Here's How to Distinguish Symptoms of Tipes and DHF


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Typhoid and DHF (dengue hemorrhagic fever) have symptoms that are similar to each other, namely emergence high fever and limp body. Because of this, many people mistakenly think typhoid fever is DHF, and vice versa. Even if you mistakenly suspect the type of disease that is being suffered, later it can cause mishandling. So how do you understand the different symptoms of typhoid and dengue? Check out the full review below.

Overview of tipes and DHF

Tipes or medical language is called typhoid fever is infectious diseases caused by bacterial infection Salmonela typhi. These bacteria enter the body or precisely into the digestive tract through food, drinks, or contaminated water. Not maintaining the cleanliness of food and beverages, poor sanitation, and limited access to clean water are thought to be the main causes of typhoid disease.

While dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a disease caused by a dengue virus carried by mosquitoes Aedes aegypti. Mosquito aedes aegypti most commonly found during the rainy season and after the rainy season in tropical and subtropical areas.

Actually both typhoid and DHF are two of the most common diseases affecting Indonesian people. This disease can affect anyone regardless of age and sex. If it is not handled properly and immediately, both of these diseases can endanger life.

Differences in symptoms of typhoid and DHF

Symptoms of typhoid and DHF do have the same typical symptoms, namely high fever. However, there are several other differences in symptoms between the two diseases. The following are various different symptoms of typhoid and dengue that you should know and understand.

  • In DHF, high fever can last throughout the day. While the fever types that appear tend to be up and down and patterned time. Where usually high fever occurs at night and will go down in the morning.
  • In DHF, red spots will appear on the underside of the skin that occur due to bleeding and if pressed, the red spots do not fade. In addition to red spots, people affected by dengue also often experience nosebleeds and mild bleeding on the gums. Whereas in typhoid, the red spots that appear are not bleeding spots. However, due to infection from Salmonella bacteria.
  • DHF occurs seasonally, especially during the rainy season where the humid environment is the best place for mosquitoes to breed. While typhoid is not a seasonal disease and can occur throughout the year if it does not maintain good environmental hygiene.
  • DHF sometimes causes muscle, joint, and bone pain. This pain usually begins to feel after a fever appears. In addition, DHF will also cause symptoms of severe headaches, nausea and vomiting. While typhoid disease is a disease associated with the digestive tract, so the symptoms of fever must be accompanied by symptoms of pain in the gastrointestinal tract, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, even constipation.
  • In DHF, shock (severe fluid loss) is quite common. While in typhoid, there is generally no shock if complications have not occurred.
  • One of the most likely complications in DHF is damage to blood vessels, which can cause bleeding. If it is not immediately treated, this condition will cause a failure of the internal organ system which leads to death. While typhoid complications can cause the intestines to become hollow (intestinal perforation) which can cause intestinal contents to leak into the abdominal cavity and cause infection. If the abdominal cavity has been infected, it will cause peritonitis, an infection of the tissue that lines the inside of the stomach. This infection can cause various organs to stop functioning.

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How to diagnose typhus and dengue

The only way to ensure that your fever is a symptom of typhoid fever or dengue fever is to do it blood test. So, if you have a high fever that has been going on for more than three days, immediately have a blood check in the nearest laboratory. By carrying out a blood check, it will be known exactly what disease you are experiencing.

In DHF, the examination is done by checking the platelet count. Someone is said to have DHF when the platelets have decreased, that is less than 150,000 / µl. However, this examination will work effectively if the high fever that you experience has lasted two to three days. Because, a fever that only lasts one day can not be known because the platelet count is generally still normal.

While to ensure typhus later doctors will recommend that you do a widal examination after you have a fever for at least 5 days. This check is done to find out if your blood contains antibodies to the bacteria that cause typhus, namely Salmonella typhi or not.

Other tests can be done by checking the stool. Because the bacteria Salmonella typhi can be found in faeces of people who are sick with typhoid.

Although Similar, Here's How to Distinguish Symptoms of Tipes and DHF
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