Hobbies Continue Working Overtime at Home Makes You Never Sleep Well, Researchers said


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Ever got a subtle satire from the closest person who said, "Office work should not be brought home!" Or "Until the house should be rested, do not continue working continuously!", Or rather you yourself often throw it at people around? Even though it sounds subtle, it's actually a sign of concern, you know! In fact, the effect of overtime at home actually makes it harder for you to sleep well. How could that be?

People who like overtime tend not to be able to separate the world of work from the personal world

the effect of night shift work

Do not believe? To make sure you stop the habit of overtime, see what a study from the University of Zürich said in this Journal of Business and Psychology. After checking the data and work habits of nearly 2,000 employees from German-speaking countries, it was found that around 50 percent worked more than 40 hours per week.

Every employee is asked to fill out a surveyon line to assess how well they are able to separate things that smell of work and office from their personal lives. For example, they were asked if they had thought about work on weekends, and how often they worked on weekends. They were also asked if they gave themselves time to relax and enjoy hobbies or socialize when not working.

As a result, people who are unable to separate work time and personal life seem more often exhausted and stressed faster. Conversely, people who are able to give clear and clear boundaries between work and their personal lives can live more prosperously. Why?

The effect of further overtime at home makes it even harder to sleep at night

When you don't ignore incoming e-mails or phone calls, or when you are at midnight, turn on your laptop at home to make sure the work can be finished today, meaning that you don't give your body and mind enough time to recover from work pressure before finally you go to work the next day. And so on next. This means that both your body and mind are always ready to work 24 hours a day.

If from the beginning you are accustomed to having a messy sleep schedule, you will not feel fit and excited to be active the next day. A body that feels "heavy" because of lack of sleep can make you more tired. Accumulation of a combination of physical stress due to fatigue and emotional stress from daily activities coupled with stress because you feel you can't go to sleep then makes your sleep less and less, can cause you to have trouble sleeping at night.

Gradually, without realizing it, this combination of physical and mental stress will affect your body's health for years to come, the researchers said.

Emotional problems from annoying coworkers also interfere

A group of researchers from three leading independent institutions, namely Oakland University, Portland State University, and USDA (Forestry and Plantation Service in America) reported that the effects of deep sleep difficulties from overtime did not only come from the large number of jobs. But also from the mental burdens that you carry as a result of interactions with annoying coworkers and unpleasant experiences in the office, for example, you get scolded by a boss or have a problem with a client.

The chief researcher, Caitlin Demsky of Oakland University, stressed that people who experience adverse events at work, such as being underestimated by supervisors or ostracized by their colleagues, are more likely to experience insomnia characterized by difficulty getting to sleep until they wake up easily in the middle time. The results of these studies are published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.

stressed out because of work

Sleep deprivation decreases work productivity

Sleep is one of the most important self-recovery activities, said Demsky. Getting enough sleep is the key to high productivity and work focus. Getting enough sleep also plays an important role in determining your success at work.

The effect of overtime has long been associated with a decrease in focus, alertness, and brain memory. Further explained by researchers from Brigham and Women 's Hospital, this is because the ability and speed of the brain to digest information will decrease with the amount of time the body spends to keep you awake so as not to fall asleep.

In the end, overtime will actually slow down your productivity in the office. The more frequent overtime, the less sleep you can get. The less often you sleep well, the more stress is caused by the longer working hours.

Reporting from the Huffington Post page, sleep deprivation will usually hinder the work of the brain that causes you to be difficult to think creatively, create innovations for new things, so often associated with a decrease in the ability to think clearly or logically.

So when you lack sleep, not only do you feel sleepy all day, but also various negative effects that can affect your work productivity that can be assessed by your boss.

The key, take the time to relax

Indeed, giving up work to be able to relax for a while can be a difficult thing for some people. Especially for those of you who are easily haunted by unfinished work. The next question is how to get rid of overtime tendencies that can be a stressor?

It's simple, try to find light activities that will make you feel relaxed and relaxed after work.

Whether it's just walking in the park, painting, reading books, or watching movies with the closest people. In essence, do activities that can help get rid of negative thoughts about your work, which in turn can make you sleep badly.

In essence, make sure you don't carry the burden of work in the office to the house and allow yourself to enjoy your free time at home after being preoccupied with a pile of office work.

Hobbies Continue Working Overtime at Home Makes You Never Sleep Well, Researchers said
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