How Many Times of Fart in a Day Are Still Considered Normal?


Medical Video: How Many Times Does The Average Person Fart In A Day?

"You, why are you often farting? Are you catching a cold? "

"If you rarely fart,not good for health, you know. "

You may have heard the sentences uttered by parents or people closest to you. Indeed, frequent or not farting can indicate a certain health problem. However, until now you might still be confused, actually when farting can be said to be excessive and when can it be said to be normal? Relax, all the answers you can find in the following review.

How many times fart in a day is considered normal?

excessive fart during menstruation

When asked how many times you fart in a day, the answer may vary for each person. Some answer 5 times a day, 10 times a day, even 20 times a day. So, how many times fart in a day that can be considered normal?

A gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Kyle Staller revealed that the average person stores about 0.5 to 1.5 liters of gas in his digestive tract every day. This gas enters the body in two ways, namely:

  • Swallowing air, usually occurs when you eat, drink, use a straw, or chew gum.
  • Bacteria in the intestine emit gas when helping to digest food.

The entire gas will be released through farting gradually. Reporting from the Cleveland Clinic, the average person will fart in a day as much 14 to 23 times and tends not to smell. But if the fart smells foul, this means that fart contains sulfur from bacterial large intestine.

You might be surprised and feel like you've never farted as much and as often. Don't get me wrong, throwing away the wind or farting doesn't just happen when you're awake or on the move, you know.

Because, you can also fart during sleep so you may not realize that you have experienced 20 times of farting in a day. Take it easy, this is the body's natural reflex that happens to everyone so there's no need to worry.

Why are there people who often fart in a day?

cause excessive farting

Fart is a natural process of the body that indicates that our body is in good health. Although the number of farts in a day varies from person to person, there are times when a person can experience excessive farting. How can?

Normally, the small intestine will absorb and digest all the food that enters the body. However, under certain conditions, the small intestine cannot absorb it perfectly. The remnants of these nutrients will go directly into the large intestine and are used by bacteria to produce more gas. So do not be surprised if afterwards, you become more frequent farting in a day.

What are the causes of excessive farting?

fart foul smell

Excessive fart can be caused by many things. Usually, this happens when you eat gassy foods such as radishes, mustard greens, young jackfruit, pineapple, jackfruit, sweet potatoes, and soft drinks. In addition, some diseases can also make you fart excessively, for example constipation, gastroenteritis, and food intolerance.

Each cause of excessive farting is of course handled by each. If excessive farting is caused by gas-containing foods, you should avoid these foods for a while.

While if constipation is the cause, immediately overcome by increasing drinking water and consuming fibrous foods. Most importantly, keep your diet as good as possible so that the body stays healthy and prevents excessive farting.

How Many Times of Fart in a Day Are Still Considered Normal?
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