I have a headache due to migraine or vertigo, yes? Know the difference


Medical Video: Migraines and Vertigo - Mayo Clinic

Migraine and vertigo are disorders of the head that often occur. Unlike migraine, vertigo is not the name of the disease. Vertigo is a collection of several symptoms that occur suddenly in a certain time. Then what is the difference between migraine and vertigo? Check out the answer here.

Difference between migraines and vertigo

1. The sensation that arises

Migraine and vertigo are both attacking the head, but the sensation that is felt when the attack appears is different.

People who experience migraines will feel the sensation of a throbbing headache or pain like being hit by a hard object. The attack of headaches due to migraines is usually recurrent, followed by severe pain and often makes it helpless. Migraines are more common on one side of the head.

In addition, migraines can be preceded by the appearance of other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances to tingling and even weakness in the body.

While people with vertigo will feel the sensation of the head that continues to spin or blink violently and feels like it will fall. Vertigo also makes you lose balance, nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, headaches, sometimes even with abnormal eye movements (nystagmus), fullness in the ears and ringing of the ears (tinnitus).

2. Based on the cause

The cause of migraines is still uncertain, but genetic and environmental factors include the causes. Migraines are inherited neurological disorders.

In addition, migraines are caused by abnormal nerve activity that triggers pain signals in the brain and the signal spreads to other parts of the nerve. Migraines can also be triggered by many factors such as hormonal, psychological, food, physical, drug and environmental factors.

Meanwhile, the cause of vertigo depends on the type of vertigo. vertigo can be divided into two groups, namely peripheral vertigo and central vertigo (disturbance in the center of brain balance).

The main cause of peripheral vertigo is a disorder of your inner ear, which affects the body's balance. Some things that can cause peripheral vertigo are:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
  • Labirintitis, inflammation and infection due to viruses or bacteria that attack the inner ear area.
  • Vestibular neuritis, inflammation that occurs in the nerve part of the ear that is directly connected to the brain.
  • Ménière's disease, a rare inner ear disease, sometimes accompanied by ears that feel ringing, and loss of hearing function over a period of time.

Some conditions that cause central vertigo include migraine, multiple sclerosis, acoustic neuroma, stroke, and taking several types of drugs that can cause side effects in the form of symptoms of vertigo.

I have a headache due to migraine or vertigo, yes? Know the difference
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