This Is What Happens To The Body When We Feel Disgusted


Medical Video: 9 Disgusting Things Your Body Does Every Day

You must have had disgust. Whether it's food, vomit, feces, or other disgusting things. You can also have disgust for certain things that other people might not feel disgusted about. Have you ever wondered why this happened? Why can you be disgusted with something? How can there be disgust? Curious? Let's look at the following explanation.

Is that disgust?

Disgust is a negative response to something you don't like, which you find disgusting. When you feel disgusted with something it is usually seen from your facial expression. So, it might be very easy for you to know whether someone near you is disgusted or not.

Humans use distinctive facial expressions to show feelings of disgust for something. According to Professor Paul Ekman of the University of California, this is identical in different cultures throughout the world. Generally, you lift your upper lip and wrinkle your nose when you express disgust.

The most common triggers for disgust

Based on the research of Dr. Valerie Curtis from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the 1990s, common things that can cause disgust are:

  • Things that are released by the body, such as feces, vomiting, sweat, saliva, blood, pus, semen, mucus, snot, and others
  • Body parts, such as wounds, corpses
  • Rotten food, especially meat and rotten fish
  • Rubbish
  • Some living things, such as flies, maggots, fleas, worms, mice
  • People who are sick, contaminated

This made Curtis hypothesize that disgust was genetic. Programmed in the brain and printed on your DNA.

Why can we feel disgusted with something?

Everyone has the instinct to feel disgusted. This feeling of disgust comes naturally, it doesn't need to be studied, it just appears. Even small children can feel disgusted with something. This feeling of disgust depends on experience, socialization, personality, and context. This feeling is a very complex and complicated emotion.

Disgust is regulated by the brain, so that humans can feel disgust, different from other living things. MRI scans show that you use a special part of the brain when you feel disgusted, the anterior insular cortex. Because it is regulated by your brain and mind, so you can control feelings of disgust. So, you don't have to feel disgusted if you don't want to feel it.

You may have to force yourself to not be disgusted with something you have to do. For example, you are disgusted with wounds on your feet, but you must clean them so they dry quickly. Inevitably, you must put aside your disgust, eliminate your disgust, so that you can clean your wounds for your health. Over time, your disgust for something may disappear. You alone can control your mind about something.

Often, your disgust for something has no reason or purpose. However, generally disgust arises when you have to avoid something that you think is risky, such as an illness. But, disgust can also prevent you from doing many things, to broaden your knowledge and your social life. For that, you might have to get rid of the disgust. So, there are lots of fun things you can do.

This Is What Happens To The Body When We Feel Disgusted
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