3 Ways to Get Rid of Warts, from Natural to Medicinal Use


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The appearance of warts on your skin is certainly very disturbing. Well, you don't need to worry. There are several ways to remove warts that you can try. Either with medicine or naturally. See the explanation below, yes.

Actually, the wart is a disease or not?

Warts are classified as benign tumors caused by viruses. Most causes of warts are Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). This virus infects the top layer of the skin and grows quickly. You can get infected with this virus if there is a wound on your skin, then you touch someone who has the virus. This virus can also spread to someone who uses towels, combs, and personal tools together.

How to get rid of warts

1. Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid (salicylic acid) is a substance believed to eliminate various skin diseases, including acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, and warts. Salicylic acid is very easy to use especially for warts on the feet and hands. The forms vary. Some are liquid, ointment, or cream.

The acid contained in it can remove warts in a few weeks if applied every day and in the right way. Here is how to remove warts with salicylic acid.

  • Choose a product that is good for removing warts. There are a number of specific products that can remove warts in some areas. You can ask for an explanation from your doctor or pharmacist to determine the type of salicylic acid that is right for your condition.
  • Wash and dry the warts and surrounding skin. This is done so that salicylic acid absorbs more easily into the diseased skin layer.
  • Apply or apply salicylic acid directly to the wart. You can apply it directly to the wart or coat it with a bandage. However, always pay attention to how to use the product packaging or ask your pharmacist. Each product may vary in type, dosage and how to use it.
  • Let the salicylic acid absorb and work on the wart. Let stand for 24-48 hours, either with or without bandages. Replace with a new one if the bandage is broken or loose.
  • Remove the bandage and wash the remaining drug that is still attached. You can soak or compress the area with warts with warm water for about 10 minutes. This will facilitate the absorption of salicylic acid into the skin.

2. Freeze (cryotherapy)

In addition to warts in the genital area (penis or vagina), most warts that are not in the area can be removed with cryotherapy. Research recommends cryotherapy as a way to remove warts that are quite effective, especially for warts in the area of ​​the hands and feet.

This type of therapy is usually done if treatment with salicylic acid is unsuccessful. Cryotherapy You can also choose this if you want fast treatment.

However, this procedure can only be done by a doctor. During the procedure, the doctor will cut your wart with a small, sharp knife. Then, they will apply frozen substances with cotton sticks or sprayed. Liquid nitrogen is commonly used as a frozen substance.

Cryotherapy done by giving local anesthesia to prevent pain during the procedure. However, you don't need too long to complete this treatment.

3. Use duct tape

He said, putting duct tape on your wart could be a way to get rid of warts that are quite effective. There are even some studies that have found that using duct tape is more effective for removing warts than with nitrogenous water therapy.

For its use, you can simply put duct tape on the wart for approximately six days. After six days, you can let go. Then soak your wart area with warm water and rub your warts.

After 12 hours without duct tape, paste more duct tape on the wart area to remove the rest. Continue to remove this skin for up to 2 months or until the warts are completely gone.

3 Ways to Get Rid of Warts, from Natural to Medicinal Use
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