5 Gymnastic Movements to Overcome Humpbacks Due to Kyphosis


Medical Video: How to Treat Kyphosis With Exercise

Kyphosis is an abnormality in the curvature of the spine so that it looks "rounder" than it should be. People with this bone disorder will experience bone curvature of more than 45 degrees. This condition sometimes does not cause symptoms, other than the back looks more curved aka hunchback.

However, in some people this condition can cause symptoms such as back stiffness, fatigue, fatigue, back pain and spinal pain. Without treatment, these symptoms can get worse and make the patient have difficulty eating or breathing.

This condition can generally be treated with non-surgical treatment. So, you don't need to worry if you have this condition. There are a number of exercises that you can do to treat a troubled spine.

Gymnastics kyphosis to overcome the hunchback body

Reporting from the Healthline page, Dr. Nick Araza, a chiropactic practitioner in Santa Barbara Family Chiropractic explained that there is a connection between body posture and poor movement patterns with kyphosis.

For about 20 minutes you have a bad posture, there will be a negative change in your bones. For example, often do something with a bent body posture. This posture will make your head jut forward. As a result, stress and pressure on the spine and neck will increase.

Dr. Nick Araza recommends a number of gymnastic movements to prevent and repair an over arched back. This exercise must be done regularly, at least three or four times per week. Consult a doctor before starting this exercise. Some of these gymnastic movements include:

1. Movement mirror image

exercise for kyphosis
Source: Healthline

Follow the steps below to make a move mirror image:

  • Position your body to stand up straight and put your hands in front of your thighs.
  • Bend the chin slightly down and keep the chin up again. Feel the pull on the shoulder when the forehead is lowered and enforced. Hold this position for 30 seconds or 1 minute. Stop if pain arises.
  • If you have difficulty doing this movement, prop a small pillow behind your head so that you can press your head back when your chin is up.

2. Movement head retraction

exercise for kyphosis
Source: Healthline

Follow the steps below to make a move head retraction:

  • Lie on the floor and relax the muscles around the neck.
  • Place your hands on the sides of your body and bend your knees.
  • Make a move mirror image (check the instructions above).
  • Hold each chin motion for 15 seconds and repeat the movement for 5 to 10 times.

3. Superman movement

exercise for kyphosis
Source: Healthline

Follow the steps below to do the superman movement:

  • Position your body to sleep on his stomach and range of hands forward.
  • Keep your face facing the floor.
  • Lift your hands and feet up and hold each movement for 3 seconds and repeat 10 times.

4. Movement life extension

exercise for kyphosis
Source: Healthline

Follow the steps below to make life extension movements:

  • Position your body to stand tall
  • Head the four jeri hands and let your thumbs up
  • Lift both hands to the front of the chest to the top of the head
  • Every shift in the position of the hand, adjust your breath. Pull about 3 times deep breath.

5. Movement thoracic spine foam rolling

exercise for kyphosis
Source: Healthline

Follow the steps below to make a move thoracic spine foam rolling:

  • Prepare a foam roller behind your body and position the body lying on it.
  • Bend your knees and fold your hands behind your head.
  • Shake the foam roller slowly; massage the muscles around your back and spine
  • Perform this movement for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

What are the benefits of kyphosis gymnastics?

Gymnastic movements above can improve posture and help improve the flexibility of your backbone due to kyphosis.

Researchers show that gymnastic movements in kyphosis patients can make the back muscles stronger so that they can withstand pulling if the head bone and spine jut forward This shows that some exercise movements have the potential to strengthen the extensor muscles thereby reducing spinal curvature due to kyphosis.

5 Gymnastic Movements to Overcome Humpbacks Due to Kyphosis
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