6 Signs That You Have Sleep Deprivation


Medical Video: How To Tell If You're Sleep Deprived

One of the most fun activities is sleeping. During sleep, the cortex (the part of the brain that plays a role in storing memory of mind / language / etc.) will break away from the senses and enter recovery mode. So it is not surprising if after going to sleep, you will be back energized to carry out activities.Enough sleep can improve the body and mind which can make the body perform its best function.

Everyone already knows that he needs to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours per day. However, often someone, maybe including you, sacrifices sleep time to complete work / tasks or just play a smart phone to explore in cyberspace. In fact, lack of sleep can have an impact on your body's health. A study has also found that lack of sleep can be related to the occurrence of psychological distress and a greater risk of heart disease / type 2 diabetes.

Here are some signs that you lack sleep you need to know:

1. Easy to forget

Sleep can not only restore your energy, but also play a role in the learning process. Sleep deprivation can affect cognitive abilities, including in the process of learning / thinking / solving problems. So that lack of sleep can make it difficult for you to learn effectively. In addition, lack of sleep can also make it difficult for you to remember something you have learned.

2. Increased weight

If you lack sleep, your body will tend to produce more of the hormone ghrelin which plays a role in causing hunger, but only produces a small amount of leptin hormone which plays a role in increasing the feeling of fullness.

In addition, lack of sleep will keep you feeling tired. As a result, when you are tired, you do not pay attention to what you eat. All you know is that you are hungry and have to eat so you are full. This is what can increase the risk of gaining weight.

Lack of sleep not only keeps you hungry, but also the desire to eat foods that are high in fat and carbohydrates. A study shows that someone who sleeps less than 6 hours per day is more at risk for obesity compared to those who sleep more than 6 hours per day.

3. It's easier to get sick

When you get enough sleep, your immune system will produce cytokines, proteins that help protect the body from infection. So, lack of sleep can worsen the immune system which has an impact on the production of the cytokine hormone. As a result, lack of sleep can make you more easily experience pain.

A study has found that someone who sleeps less than 7 hours per day has a three times greater risk of developing a fever / flu compared to those who sleep more than 8 hours per day.

4. Stress, emotions, and depression

A study found that lack of sleep makes it easier for someone to experience stress and emotions become out of control. These uncontrolled emotions will often make people act without thinking more or do something bad without intending to do it.

In addition, sleeplessness is usually caused by depression, and it turns out, lack of sleep can also make you easier to experience depression. Both of these are interrelated things.

5. Skin looks dull or pimpled

Getting enough sleep can make the skin regenerate optimally. So that lack of sleep can have an impact on the health of your skin, namely:

  • Increases the production of the hormone cortisol. A large number of cortisol hormones can break down collagen, a protein that plays a role in maintaining the softness and elasticity of your skin. As a result, your skin will be easier to wrinkle and look older.
  • Reducing the production of growth hormones that play a role in the growth process and increase muscle mass, skin thickness, and strengthen bones.
  • Disrupts hormonal balance and increases estrogen levels in the body. So that it can trigger the growth of acne on the skin.
  • Make your eyes look tired and increase the risk of developing fine lines on the skin, the skin becomes strong, and dark circles under your eyes or often called pandas.

6. Disorders of the eye

Without your realizing it, lack of sleep can interfere with the health of your eyes, namely red eyes, tired eyes, the eyes become more difficult to focus, and potentially experience double vision.

6 Signs That You Have Sleep Deprivation
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