7 Foods You Should Avoid Heart Disease


Medical Video: Heart Disease Prevention: What You Need to Know

If you are a person with cardiovascular or heart disease, regulating food is a very important thing to do to keep your heart healthy and minimize or reduce the risk of a heart attack. You must know what foods you can and should not eat. The following foods should be avoided by people with heart disease.

Food that must be avoided by people with heart disease

Heart patients must carefully choose food. Nutritionists advise heart patients to eat healthy foods to ease the work of the heart. Heart patients usually need to undergo a special diet so that the food consumed does not burden the heart's work.

Nutritionists will usually recommend eating more fish because it is a source of protein and is rich in omega 3 fatty acids that are good for the heart. Omega 3 fatty acids play a role in reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Then, what foods should people with heart disease avoid?

1. Fast food

Fast food must be on blacklistYou are a food that people with heart disease should avoid. Cardiologist from Hofstra University, Regina Druz said the consumption of relatively high saturated fats derived from animals and carbohydrates had a negative impact on heart health. Cooking your own food can be an effort to reduce the combination of saturated fat and carbohydrates.

2. Processed meat

Processed meats such as sausages and bacon usually contain high saturated fat. This is the reason why processed meat enters the food that heart disease sufferers should avoid.

Even if you choose a type that contains low levels of saturated fat, you should be aware of the high salt content. Just six slices of processed meat can contain half your daily salt needs, according to the heart health association in America.

According to the Chair of the Women's Heart Health Program at the Ohio State University Medical Center Laxmi Metha, people should limit salt intake because sodium is associated with high blood pressure.

3. Fried foods

Some studies have shown that fried foods such as French fries and so on increase the risk of heart disease. How to cook like fried can create trans fat, which increases bad cholesterol levels and lowers the level of good cholesterol in the body.

4. Candy

Consumption of high levels of sugar contributes to obesity, inflammation, high cholesterol, diabetes, all of which are factors that trigger heart disease.

5. Margarine

Consumption of foods containing high trans fat such as margarine is likely to increase a person's risk of heart disease. To be safe, choose margarine that does not contain partially hydrogenated oil, or stick with olive oil instead.

6. Pizza

Pizza ranks second in the American Heart Health Association's version of 'savory' food. These foods contain sodium and saturated fat, even at topping(if it's meat). It's best to choose topping vegetables instead.

7. Soda

A number of studies show that those who consume soda tend to consume more calories than those who don't drink soda. In addition, chemicals in soda can actually change digestive bacteria and make people more susceptible to weight gain. Excess weight is one factor in the risk of heart disease.

7 Foods You Should Avoid Heart Disease
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