Can Yoga Reduce Blood Pressure in People with High Blood Pressure?


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Yoga has become popular lately even though people have started practicing it many years ago. Many people might think that yoga is not as effective as traditional training methods, such as swimming, walking, and jogging, in improving health. In fact, the benefits of yoga go far beyond people's expectations. For example, do you know that yoga lowers high blood pressure?

How does yoga reduce blood pressure?

One potential cause of high blood pressure is stress. People feel stressed when they are unable to cope with the stresses of life. Therefore, they are more likely to develop hypertension than those who live a lifestyle that is able to control stress.

Yoga has a deep way to help you connect with your soul and reduce stress, which is meditation. Scientists have found that meditation can release stress and calm the mind. An hour of sitting, closing your eyes, and focusing on your breath and emptying your mind can reduce blood pressure.

Yoga is a combination of breathing and body exercise. A large number of poses such as lifting your legs, stretching your shoulders, and rotating your spine can help lower blood pressure. According to people who undergo this ancient practice, yoga greatly helps those who suffer from hypertension. Practicing yoga two or three times a week can reduce blood pressure numbers from 133/80 to 130/77 based on Dr. Debbie Cohen from the University of Pennsylvania.

Recent studies have shown that yoga keeps muscles flexible and flexible, for example through regular yoga stretches, it can also help keep arteries flexible and thus lower blood pressure naturally. Studies by the American Journal of Physiology have found that, among people over the age of 40, their performance in sit-and-reach tests can be used to assess arterial flexibility.

A simple test to be able to touch the toes from this sitting position can indicate the level of arterial stiffness, which often precedes cardiovascular disease. According to the authors, stretching exercises can trigger physiological reactions that slow age-related arterial hardening.

How to do yoga properly

Yoga cannot be rushed; yoga takes time. Therefore, if you don't have time to go to the studio, but still want to practice yoga, you can do it at home. There are many free online tutorials that instruct you to do a step by step pose. The following tips for you:

  • Empty the stomach at least one hour before yoga. If you are hungry, just stretch yourself with a banana or a cup of milk.
  • Focus on your breath and listen to your body. If you cannot follow yoga steps, stop immediately.

Yoga poses to reduce blood pressure

Although yoga can generally reduce blood pressure through meditation, some yoga poses are thought to be able to lower blood pressure more effectively than other poses.

Pose bound angle

  • Inhale, start sitting.
  • Exhale, lift your buttocks off the floor and sit on the sitting bones.
  • Inhale, place your feet facing each other near the groin, and press both feet down together.
  • Exhale, place your thumb on the bottom of your foot, with your fingers on the soles of your feet and bend your feet out (supinate; the lower part of the palm faces up).
  • Inhale, sit up straight, straighten the spine with your head upright.

Downward facing dog pose

  • Start with your hands and knees on the floor with your fingers open and your toes bent.
  • Exhale, lift your knees off the floor and push and press the bones sit up and back.
  • Inhale, press all the fingers and area of ​​the palm of the hand onto the mat, head straight with the biceps.
  • Exhale, re-stretch backward, using exhalation to release tension.
  • Inhale, slightly bend your knees.
  • Exhale, re-stretch up and back, straightening the legs but not stiffly.
  • Repeat or hold the pose for 3 to 5 breaths or as long as you are comfortable.

Forward bend pose

  • Inhale, start sitting with your legs straight forward, with your feet bent together.
  • Exhale, sit upright on the sitting bone by pressing on the heel of the foot.
  • Inhale, straighten your hands over your head while straightening your spine.
  • Exhale, bend your body forward by touching your hands to your feet.
  • Inhale, release a little pressure from this pose.
  • Exhale, bend further into the stretch and bend into the navel while bending the body by removing meat from the stomach from bending and by using the abdominal muscles to stretch further.
  • Hold the pose for 3 to 5 breaths or as long as you are comfortable.

Yoga is considered the most effective natural treatment for hypertension. Yoga lowers high blood pressure and helps deal with stress. spending an hour a day on yoga is the best choice to improve your health and make your life more enjoyable.

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Can Yoga Reduce Blood Pressure in People with High Blood Pressure?
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