COPD Making Frustration? Here's how to deal with stress due to COPD



Stress can come from anywhere and happen to anyone. Even people who seem to be fine can actually be experiencing stress in their lives. If only healthy people can get stressed, let alone people with certain diseases, such as COPD? COPD stress can appear and be experienced by anyone. The fact that this disease cannot be cured can increase the pressure of one's life. If you're stressed, what should you do? Let's look at tips for dealing with stress due to the following COPD.

Overview of COPD

COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a condition that causes your lungs to damage. When you have COPD, your lungs will experience inflammation so that it will interfere with the entry of air. When the air entering the lungs is disrupted, breathing problems occur. Symptoms usually include shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing, similar to asthma symptoms.

Unfortunately, when someone is sentenced to COPD, he will live with this condition forever. Yes, this disease cannot be cured and can worsen over time if you don't control it properly. This fact, often makes people stressed because of the COPD they suffer. However, actually you don't need to panic too much because people with COPD can still live comfortably while obeying the treatment given. Discipline treatment can help a person live with better quality even if he has COPD.

5 ways to properly deal with stress due to COPD

When someone is diagnosed as having an incurable disease, the first response they usually incur is to get worse. So desperate, sometimes they forgetmove on to immediately take medication. In fact, for COPD, the discipline of doing treatment when the stage of COPD is still in its early stages will help alleviate various symptoms that usually appear.

Even though knowing that stress can worsen health conditions, some people still have difficulty managing stress. Though stress management techniques can be very helpful in dealing with stress due to COPD. Come on, try to follow the 5 tips to overcome stress due to the following COPD.

1. Treating COPD

The best way to deal with stress due to COPD is to treat your COPD. Discipline in the treatment of COPD will help improve the airways so that you can breathe more easily. Bronchodilators help treat COPD by relaxing the muscles around the airway and keeping them open.

Avoiding the causes of COPD also helps your condition improve. Also, don't forget to get a flu vaccine and pneumonia, because both of these diseases can cause your COPD to worsen and cause you stress.

2. Learn how to breathe correctly

When you feel stressed, your breath becomes quick and short. This normal reaction will get worse if you suffer from COPD. The air builds up in the chest, but you can't let it go.

It's best to try to train yourself with breathing exercises. Take a breath from the nose and exhale slowly through your mouth as much as you can, repeat and take deep breaths calmly. Slow down your breathing to under 10 breaths for one minute (normal people breathe about 14-19 times in 1 minute).

3. Stop smoking

For people who have a habit of smoking, when feeling depressed, anxious, or depressed, they are more likely to try to reduce it with cigarettes. In fact, this habit is one of the main risk factors for someone affected by COPD, both those who smoke actively and passively. For that, be willing to stop this habit. If you have difficulty stopping smoking, you can consult with your doctor about recommendations they can give for your good will.

4. Exercise

Exercise is an important part of the pulmonary rehabilitation program, and also helps in coping with the stress of COPD. Sports have been shown to reduce anxiety and depression in COPD patients. Exercise must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor or as part of a pulmonary rehabilitation program.

5. Meditation

When you are stressed, either because of COPD or anything else, one way that can help eliminate it is to do meditation. Actually it's not just meditation that can help you deal with stress due to COPD. Some types of exercise that lead you to focus on calming body and mind, such as yoga and tai chi can also be one therapy that can help relieve stress and anxiety due to COPD.

A study by Chicago Medical School in Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in Chicago shows that yoga exercise can improve quality of life and lung function in the short term. However, it's a good idea to use an instructor to really benefit from yoga movements.

Actually, besides the five tips to deal with stress due to COPD above, there is one more method to reduce stress, namely by visualizing exercises. The trick, close your eyes andimagineYou are in a quiet and peaceful place for you - it could be a comfortable beach, mountain, garden or even your bedroom.

When the visualization is in your mind, focus on releasing pressure through breathing. Keep your awareness and calm down, don't fall asleep. This technique aims to find a body and mind pooling technique that is right for you, and then practice it when facing stressful situations.

The steps above are easy steps to do at home. Not only dealing with stress due to COPD, these methods can also be useful for anyone who experiences stress, aka stress in his life. So, let's share these tips with anyone you know so that your quality of life and them get better.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

COPD Making Frustration? Here's how to deal with stress due to COPD
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