Get to know Pterygium, Triangle Membrane in the Eye



Maybe not many people know what the pterygium is, even though it turns out that this condition is quite common and can affect anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors. What is the danger? Come on, find out more about this one eye disorder.

What is pterygium?

Pterygium is a pink triangular tissue membrane that usually appears on the white part of the eyeball. This usually starts in the cornea near the nose, and can grow towards the pupil (the black part of the eye). Pterygium is also known as "surfer's eye". This condition is usually only in one eye, but if you find it in both eyes, the plural form of the word is pterygia.

Pterygium is not cancer. This tissue growth stops after some time. Even so, if the tissue successfully grows past the middle of the eye, it can cause discomfort and blurred vision. You might feel something is blocking your eyes. Or, the membrane may become red and irritated, requiring certain medical care.

What are the causes of pterygium?

Until now the cause is still unknown. But even if it's called "surfer’s eye", you don't need to be a surfer or ever vacation to the beach to get a pterygium. Being in bright sunlight for hours can increase your risk, especially when you are on water that reflects harmful UV light.Those who live in the equator and live in hot areas, and work outdoor also more often experience pterygium.

Apart from ultraviolet light, people whose eyes are often exposed to dust, sand, smoke and wind are also at high risk of experiencing this. Men have a risk twice as high as women. In addition, the older you are, the more you are at risk of experiencing this.

What are the symptoms of pterygium?

Pterygium does not always cause symptoms. Sometimes a person does not realize that he has a pterygium. Common symptoms include red eye irritation, burning and itching in the eyes,and the feeling of blocking in the eyes like slip foreign object. If the membrane is large enough to cover the cornea, it can disrupt the view.

What can be done to treat pterygium?

The only way to get rid of this annoying pink membrane is through surgery. But not all pterygium must be operated on. Gmild symptoms usually do not require any treatment. If this condition causes your eyes to turn red or irritated, your doctor can recommend using eye drops or prescription ointments to reduce his complaints. To prevent irritation from happening you can use artificial tears.

Depending on how large the tissue is growing and how disturbing the condition is, the doctor can advise you to have an operation. Generally, when the pterygium starts to interfere with the view, then this has become an indication for surgery.

Is there a way to prevent it?

Avoid exposure to ultraviolet light radias.If you are at high risk of experiencing this, use sunglasses every time you go out of the house. Choose sunglasses that can hold ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays up to 99% -100%. Use a hat to reduce sunlight. You can also use artificial tears to keep your eyes moist in hot weather.

Get to know Pterygium, Triangle Membrane in the Eye
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