Tips for Controlling Mood Swing When PMS


Medical Video: 8 Useful Tips To Control PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) - Health Tips & At Home Remedies

Towards the arrival of monthly guests, many women who experience erratic emotional turmoil and sometimes for no apparent reason - were angry, now sad, five minutes happy again. Still on the same day, the next few hours you can feel very bored with all the routines and question what the purpose of your life is in this world. The symptoms of PMS are fairly reasonable, thoughmood swing severe ones can interfere with daily activities. What, anyway, causes the mood swing during menstruation? And, how do you handle it? Check out all the complete information below.

Cause mood swingduring menstruation

One of the possible causes of mood swing is an imbalance of hormones and brain chemicals related to mood regulation. This also depends on many different factors.

Menstrual mood swings are reported to be related to fluctuations in estrogen levels throughout the menstrual cycle. Estrogen starts to rise slowly after your last menstruation is over, then reaches its peak two weeks later approaching your next menstrual schedule. After that, estrogen levels in the body begin to decline sharply before starting to rise slowly and fall again before the new cycle begins. The rise and fall of these hormone levels also causes other PMS symptoms.

Emotional turmoil during menstruation can also be influenced by various other things. For example, cloudy weather tends to make the mood down because the body lacks a lot of endorphins (happy mood hormones), or the immune system is indeed weak. Stressful situations, such as divorce or losing your job can also worsen your PMS symptoms. Decreased serotonin hormone levels are associated with symptoms of depression, irritability, and cravings of carbohydrates, all of which can be symptoms of mood swing during menstruation.

Symptoms mood swing when PMS

PMS can cause uncontrollable mood swings in some women, from crying to anger and anxiety, to returning to a stable emotional state. All this can happen in one day.

The most common emotional STD symptoms:

  • Easy to get angry
  • Depression
  • Cry
  • Very sensitive
  • Easily nervous and anxious

You will know that this emotional turmoil is most likely caused by PMS if the symptoms appear consistently within one to two weeks before your menstrual schedule, and stop one or two days after menstruation begins.

The reason is, a series of PMS symptoms, including changes in mood, usually occur in the phase of the last menstrual cycle (luteal) which starts after ovulation, on days 14 to 28 menstrual cycles of women. As soon as menstrual bleeding begins to appear, mood swings usually will disappear.

How to control emotional turmoil during menstruation and other PMS symptoms

A healthy lifestyle is the first step to dealing with STDs, including mood swings which is often experienced by women. For many women, a lifestyle approach can reduce PMS symptoms, such as:

  • Overcoming stress because stress can make PMS symptoms worse. You can try relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing and yoga to help you controlmood swings during menstruation.
  • Drink lots of fluids, like water or juice. Avoid drinking soda, alcohol, or caffeine during menstruation. This will help reduce bloating, fluid retention, and other symptoms.
  • Often snacking. Try to take a snack every 3 hours pause. Remember, choose healthy snacks and still try to avoid overeating.
  • A balanced meal. Add grains, vegetables and fruit to your meal. Limit salt and sugar intake.
  • Take vitamin supplements B6, calcium and magnesium.
  • Do aerobic exercise regularly.
  • Improve sleep patterns your night.

Other symptoms such as headaches, back pain, menstrual cramps, breast pain can be treated with painkillers, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and other NSAIDs. If you experience severe PMS symptoms, consult a doctor. In cases of menstrual mood swings that are classified as severe, doctors can provide antidepressant drugs such as SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors).

Tips for Controlling Mood Swing When PMS
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