Unbearable Cyst Pain? Apply these 5 tricks to relieve them


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A cyst is a fluid-filled bag similar to a closed capsule. Actually, cysts can grow in any part of the body, with varying sizes and shapes. Unlike cancerous lumps, cysts include benign tumors that are generally classified as harmless. Even so, cysts that grow usually do not cause any symptoms so that they can develop bigger, worse, and feel pain. No need to panic, because you can actually deal with this cyst pain while doing treatment with a doctor.

Choice of ways to deal with cyst pain at home

Treatment of cysts cannot be careless, because it must be adjusted to several things. Starting from the type of cyst, the location of its formation, symptoms experienced, to the condition of the cyst. Actually it's fine if you want to deal with cyst pain that often appears and makes it uncomfortable.

However, it is recommended that you do home care only if you have received a doctor's approval. If you feel it is possible, the following tricks can be applied to help cyst pain:

1. Use warm compresses

In addition to providing a sense of comfort thanks to the heat, warm compresses can also help increase blood flow in the area around the growth of the cyst so that the pain gradually diminishes.

How to use it is fairly simple. All you have to do is apply a cloth that has been soaked in warm water, or a heating pad or a bottle that has been filled with warm water before to a painful body part for about 10-20 minutes. Don't forget to wrap the bottle with a soft towel before sticking it directly to the skin.

Perform routine every day, at least three times a day until the pain from the cyst improves.

2. Give a gentle massage

Source: Massage Magazine

Sometimes, the pain caused by the growth of the cyst can cause the muscles around it to become tense and stiff. Do not rule out the possibility, this condition will hinder your daily activities, right? One can treat cyst pain by gently massaging near the painful area.

Avoid massaging directly on the part where the cyst grows. Massage in the area around the cyst can help promote blood circulation while relaxing the tense muscles so that the pain decreases little by little.

3. Regular exercise

Another step that can be taken to help relieve pain from cysts is to routinely exercise. It does not have to be heavy, stretching and light physical exercise is allegedly able to relieve complaints that are often experienced by people with cysts.

You can choose running, jogging, gymnastics, etc. in accordance with the health conditions of the body and cysts that you have. Make sure you still feel comfortable during the exercise.

4. Use cold compresses for inflammation

cold ice compress
Source: Health Ambition

Painful and swollen cysts are at risk of getting inflamed when you constantly scratch it. Instead of blocking your pain naturally, the cyst will actually swell to appear reddish. If you have this, try alternating the use of warm compresses with ice cube compresses to reduce inflammation.

Hot and cold compresses that are routinely used can provide their own benefits for dealing with cyst pain. Well, heat will help to smooth blood flow. While the cold sensation of the ice pack will accelerate the swelling of the swelling.

5. Apply relaxation techniques

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Not a few people experience stress and are depressed because they know they have a cyst. If you are one of them, try to avoid stress as much as possible and think too much about what will happen later.

We recommend that you focus on the care that you have to live with right now. Applying relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing, can help relieve the anxiety and intensity of your pain. More than that, these methods will help improve overall body health.

Unbearable Cyst Pain? Apply these 5 tricks to relieve them
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