6 Effective Ways to Reduce Distended Stomach


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The fat in the abdominal cavity and surrounding organs in the stomach is called visceral fat (visceral fat) That fat makes your stomach look bigger - or commonly called a distended stomach. In addition to making no confidence, a distended stomach also makes you uncomfortable with your appearance.

But believe it or not, everyone has fat in the stomach, even for someone who has it six packs even though. This is normal. It's just that too much fat in the stomach can affect your health.

Thin people can also have a distended stomach

Distended abdomen can also be experienced by thin people though, because there are several factors that cause a distended stomach, including genetic factors, lifestyle, and how active you are. In fact, according to one study, it was found that thin people who pay attention to diet but not exercise, are more likely to store visceral fat in the stomach.

Therefore, here are some of the main steps to shrink a distended stomach that you might be able to do.

Which must be routinely done to shrink the distended stomach

1. Exercise 30 minutes per day

The key is you have to stay active with exercise, because visceral fat will come when you are lazy to exercise. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day for moderate exercise like walking, jogging, or sit ups.

Do it regularly because the moderate exercise can help you control your weight, increase your heart rate, and slow the onset of visceral fat in your stomach.

2. Increase fiber and protein

Paying attention to eating patterns is not only useful for losing weight, but can also be done to shrink a distended stomach. You must pay attention to the portion of food and the intake of nutrients from the food you consume. Foods that are recommended for consumption are foods that contain fiber such as fruit, vegetables, and whole grains, foods that contain protein, and limit carbohydrate intake.

Hairston's research shows that people who consume 10 grams of fiber per day (such as one small apple, or a cup of green beans) can prevent the appearance of visceral fat in the stomach.

3. Sleep at least 6 hours a day

Again, sleep is beneficial for health, including in an effort to shrink your stomach. According to one study it was found that people who slept enough, ie, six to seven hours per day, had less visceral fat than people who slept less than five hours per day.

4. Don't forget to relax

Without your realizing it, managing stress can help you reduce your distended stomach. Try to relax with family or friends, meditate, or relax to keep you happy and avoid stress.

5. Increase fluid consumption

Have you ever woken up with an enlarged stomach than before? This can happen if you eat too much the night before. If this happens, try to consume more fluids, such as soups, juices, or smoothies at breakfast. Fluid can help you prevent your stomach from getting bigger and will help smooth your digestion.

6. Do everything regularly to become a lifestyle

Distended stomach is not something to worry about because it is a natural thing to happen. However, if your stomach is always enlarged after snacking or eating, it can be a sign that you are experiencing constipation. To overcome this, you must be consistent to multiply the consumption of fluids so as not to dehydrate, exercise regularly, consume foods that are healthy and contain fiber (such as fruits, vegetables, and seeds). And for now, experts stress that lifestyle, especially exercise, is the best way to fight visceral fat.

According to Johns Hopkins researchers, the combination of exercise and the right diet will help you lose belly fat or shrink your distended stomach which is apparently associated with a higher risk of heart disease.

6 Effective Ways to Reduce Distended Stomach
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