Here's how to get children to want breakfast every day


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With school hours that require children to wake up at dawn and immediately take off, it is sometimes difficult to serve a healthy breakfast for children. In fact, breakfast is important to support its performance during a day of education.

Why is breakfast important for children?

The human body produces energy from carbohydrates, and breaks it down into glucose. After a night without food, your body has drained its glucose stores. The body then starts using energy reserves from muscles, such as glycogen and fatty acids. This is why we need breakfast before going through the day.

Breakfast provides the energy the child needs to get through a tiring day. Breakfast can also help the body use food more efficiently throughout the day, so children are less hungry. Research shows that a healthy breakfast can help children learn better at school. This means that they can also concentrate more on remembering and resolving problems.

Children who always eat breakfast also tend to:

  • School attendance is better than children who rarely have breakfast; children who do not have breakfast will not get enough nutrition for the rest of the day
  • Emotionally healthier than children who do not have breakfast
  • Less often consume sweet and fatty snacks, which can manage healthy weight.

What is a healthy breakfast like?

A healthy breakfast requires a balanced portion of carbohydrates, protein and fat to maintain energy levels throughout the morning.

For babies and toddlers, breakfast can use rice cereal, or milk and fruit porridge. While for school-age children and adolescents have a wider choice of breakfast menus. For example chicken porridge, oatmeal, low sugar wholegrain cereal, boiled eggs, omelette, toast, to fruit and yogurt.

Creative ideas so children want to eat breakfast every day

You are an important role model in food. Show children that breakfast is delicious and an important part of our daily lives is a good way to get them to start breakfast diligently. You can also explain the benefits of breakfast to them.

Here are some breakfast ideas for making breakfast habits in the morning:

  • Make breakfast as a time to sit and chat with your children. Being a good example is the right way to change their habits.
  • If your child says he's not hungry in the morning, try making a healthy smoothie, with milk, yogurt and fruit such as bananas, instead of 'traditional' breakfast.
  • Another option is to eat snacks at home, such as a small bowl of oats or fruit. You can provide healthy snacks for your child to eat before school, such as sandwiches or yogurt with fruit.
  • If the morning rush gets in the way of breakfast, try to set the child's alarm 10 minutes early, or prepare a child's bag and uniform the night before. You can also prepare breakfast the night before, store the oats in a closed bowl, or prepare toppings such as fruit, nuts and raisins in the container.
  • Fussy children respond better if food is more attractive than usual. Younger children like toast or fruit, and older children can choose 'non-breakfast' foods, such as pasta.
  • Older children and teenagers may refuse to eat breakfast as a way of showing their independence. Try not to exaggerate this problem. You can remind your child to take one fresh fruit at the dinner table or peanut butter toast to take to school. Your child can also choose his own version of healthy breakfast when shopping monthly.

Here's how to get children to want breakfast every day
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