It's not just for adults, it's the benefits and tips for kids yoga


Medical Video: Benefits of Yoga for Kids #Yoga

Not only for adults, in fact yoga can and can be done for children. Yoga for children actually refers to physical activity that is fun for children. However, this sport is still beneficial for the health of the body and mind of the child. What should parents know about yoga for children? How do you start? Check out the review below.

Benefits of yoga for children

1. Physical and mental health of children

According to the siteParenting, there is research that connects yoga to body health. Among other things connect how yoga can have a positive effect on children who have asthma, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ADHD, and even autism.

A pediatrician from Vanderbilt Medical Center in the United States (US), Dr. Gurjeet Birdee, states that mind and body exercises carried out through yoga can help children to overcome various mental health conditions and body.

2. Increase physical strength of children

In addition, yoga is also good for increasing children's physical strength, because in their movements they learn and use all their muscles. Therefore, they are expected to be aware of the body and how to use the body efficiently.

3. Improve children's concentration and focus

Then, as children learn to improve their physical balance through the yoga movement, children can also train gross motor skills and fine motor skills.

Sometimes, because of a movement that requires a special focus on achieving a certain pose or staying balanced, yoga for children can make them more concentrated and focus on school. According to several studies, this certainly can make them more accomplished.

Yoga tips for children to be comfortable and safe

There are a number of things that need to be considered when parents want to suggest a child or enter a child into a yoga class. For the age of children, his body was indeed still quite flexible. Parents or yoga instructors who will teach children yoga poses, must ensure and know the tension of the muscles and joints of the body that are potentially injured.

Sometimes, children naturally are more flexible than adults, and may not even realize it when doing excessive movement or bending of the joint. Yoga instructors or parents who teach children, must listen to their bodies and stop if they feel uncomfortable. In essence, don't force yoga poses for children.

When parents try to introduce yoga practice to children, it's good to do it in a safe place and use a mattress. Sometimes, in spite of being taught at home, parents become ignorant of training equipment which is the purpose of avoiding things such as injury or slipping. Room temperature must also be kept at a lower temperature and comfortable to make moving and breathing more comfortable.

Finally, parents need to consider the health of their children as a whole before entering their children into yoga classes for children. Children who have problems with migraines need to avoid poses that carry extra pressure on their heads. Whereas a child who has asthma, bronchitis, hernia, or other breathing difficulties may need to avoid certain breathing techniques. Most importantly, parents and instructors must work together to provide positive yoga experiences for children.

It's not just for adults, it's the benefits and tips for kids yoga
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