Should After Miscarriage Must Be Cured?


Medical Video: Procedure Of Dilation And Curettage Uterus - Manipal Hospital

Miscarriage is a painful thing, especially for prospective mothers. In addition to psychological health, which also must be considered after a miscarriage is physical health. The main thing that is usually done after a miscarriage is a curette. If you don't do curettage after a miscarriage, this might endanger the health of your mother and affect your next pregnancy. Does every miscarriage need to be curetted?

Why do I need curettage after a miscarriage?

Curett is an operating procedure in which the cervix (cervix) of the mother is opened and the inside of the uterus is cleaned. Curette after a miscarriage is done to clean the uterus by removing fetal tissue that is still left in the womb.

Therefore, after a miscarriage, the mother usually does a curette. However, not all miscarriages need to be curetted. This depends on the presence of residual fetal tissue or not in the mother's womb.

If there is residual fetal tissue in the uterus, this can cause bleeding after a more severe miscarriage and infection. So, curettage is also done to prevent and treat many conditions that can occur in the uterus after a miscarriage, such as heavy bleeding and infection.

Not only that, curettage can also be done to diagnose or treat abnormal uterine bleeding, such as those caused by growth of fibroids, polyps, hormonal imbalances, or uterine cancer. Kuret also needs to be done after abortion.

What can happen after the curette?

After the curette, you will usually feel a little pain. Some of the things you can feel after doing a curette are stomach cramps and mild spotting or bleeding. If you are under general anesthesia during a curettage procedure, you can also feel nauseous or want to vomit after the curettage procedure is complete. These things happen normally after you do the curette. You have also begun to be able to carry out your daily activities after one or two days after being guided.

However, if you experience things like the following after doing curettage, you should consult your doctor.

  • Heavy or prolonged bleeding
  • Fever
  • Foul-smelling leucorrhoea
  • Pain or abdominal pain

Some risks and side effects that may arise due to curettage

Curette is usually a safe procedure and rarely causes complications. However, there are risks that can be caused after doing a curette. Some of the risks of a curette are:

  • Uterine perforation. This can occur if the surgical device pierces and causes puncture in the uterus. This is more common in women who are pregnant for the first time and in menopausal women. However, usually the perforation can heal by itself.
  • Damage to the uterus. If the cervix is ​​torn when the curettage procedure is done, the doctor can apply pressure or medication to stop bleeding or close it with stitches.
  • Growing scar tissue in the uterine wall. The formation of scar tissue in the uterus because the curettage procedure or commonly known as the Asherman syndrome is actually rare. This can cause the menstrual cycle to become abnormal, even stop, and can also cause pain, miscarriage in subsequent pregnancies, until infertility.
  • Infection. But, infection after curettage is usually rare.
Should After Miscarriage Must Be Cured?
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