The Difference Between Spit and Vomiting in Babies


Medical Video: How to tell if baby’s spit up is normal or acid reflux - Ask A Doc | Cook Children's

Your baby just finished breastfeeding, not long after he took the milk out of his mouth. Did he throw up? Or is he having a spit up? What is the difference between spit up and vomiting?

Is that spit up?

Spit is a normal condition experienced by most babies in the first three months of life and stops at the age of 1 year. Normally, there is a valve between the esophagus and the stomach that functions so that the food that has entered the stomach does not rise to the top. When the valve is open, food will enter the stomach and when the valve is closed, the food cannot return to the top. The function of the valve is not perfect in infants.

In addition, babies have a small stomach size. This causes the food that has entered then come out again called gastroesophageal reflux or better known as gumoh.

What is the difference between spit up and vomiting?

Babies who experience spit up will usually look like healthy babies in general. He can eat well and experience normal weight gain. Milk that comes out of the mouth usually flows by itself.

Unlike the vomiting baby. Babies who vomit appear in pain and fuss to lose weight. The baby seems to be struggling to remove milk from his mouth when vomiting.

Tips for preventing spit up in babies

1. Make sure your baby is in an upright position

After the baby drinks milk, position your baby in an upright position for 30 minutes. Avoid placing the baby on the swing or directly playing with the baby after breastfeeding

2. Don't give too much milk

Give your baby a small amount of milk, but the frequency is often.

3. Let your baby belch

Sendawa can remove the air in the stomach so it prevents babies from experiencing spit up.

4. Avoid pressure on your baby's stomach after he drinks milk

After the baby drinks milk, avoid pressure on the baby's stomach. Give a pause 30 minutes after he has breastfed, then you can put him in his seat.

5. Let your baby sleep on his back

To reduce the risk of occurrence Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)aka baby dies while sleeping, position the baby on his back while sleeping. The prone position when sleeping to prevent spit up is not recommended.

Like what abnormal spit up? Take it to the doctor immediately!

Spit out is indeed a normal condition experienced by babies. However, if your baby looks in pain, does not want to suckle, his weight does not rise, the milk released changes color to green / yellow / brownish like blood, choking, coughing, tightness until it is difficult to breathe, immediately bring your baby to a doctor. Circumstances with these signs are abnormal spells and must be immediately sought for causes to be treated.

The Difference Between Spit and Vomiting in Babies
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