Causes of Stomach Pain When Pregnant: From Mild To Dangerous


Medical Video: Abdominal Pain on Right Side

Being pregnant is not easy. Many conditions that make pregnant women feel uncomfortable during pregnancy. One of them is stomach ache. This is not a normal stomachache, the stomach ache that pregnant women feel is different from the usual stomach pain. This stomach ache during pregnancy can be caused by various things. Not only because you want to defecate, like most people do.

Does abdominal pain during normal pregnancy occur?

Abdominal pain during pregnancy, including abdominal pain and cramps, is normal. This can be part of the process of changing your body during pregnancy. When your uterus continues to expand to make room for the fetus, this can put pressure on the muscles, joints and blood vessels. So that, it can cause discomfort or pain around the abdomen. Of course, this is not something you need to worry about and it will not endanger you and your baby's health.

But in addition, there are also a number of things that cause abdominal pain during pregnancy that you need to worry about. Because, the cause of your stomach pain can be a serious condition that needs to be handled by a doctor.

Mild causes of abdominal pain while pregnant

1. Gummy stomach

The gas that builds up in the stomach during pregnancy can make you feel uncomfortable in the stomach. Gastric stomach is usually caused by increased levels of the hormone progesterone, which can cause the muscles in the digestive tract to rest. The more this hormone is released by the body, the more your digestive tract will work. So, the time spent on food in the large intestine is longer and causes stomach stomach.

In addition, an enlarged pregnancy can also cause stomach upset. Why? Because the larger uterus can put additional pressure on the organ that makes the digestive system run slower too.

2. Constipation

This digestive problem can also be caused due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. In addition, lack of drinking, lack of fibrous foods, less active moves, and side effects from iron pills or blood boosting pills, can also cause constipated pregnant women. This constipation can then cause pregnant women to feel their stomach aches or cramps.

3. Braxton-Hicks contractions

This contraction is commonly felt by pregnant women, but calm because the contractions are different from contractions when you want to give birth. Braxton-Hicks contractions feel like tightening in the abdominal muscles so the stomach feels tighter or harder. Meanwhile, contractions when you want to give birth feel stronger and more painful, and last longer.

When you feel Braxton-Hicks contractions, try to drink more water. This method might help calm you down.

4. Round ligament pain

There are two ligaments that stretch from the uterus to the groin. The function of this ligament is to support the uterus. When the uterus enlarges and stretches, the ligaments also stretch. This makes you feel sharp pain in your stomach, pelvis or groin. Movement of your body, such as when changing body position, sneezing, and coughing can make you feel round ligament pain. You usually feel this pain in the second trimester.

Serious causes of stomach pain during pregnancy

1. Ectopic pregnancy

It is a pregnancy that develops outside the uterus. This pregnancy cannot continue and requires medical treatment. If you experience an ectopic pregnancy, you may experience pain in your stomach. You can also experience heavy bleeding between weeks 6-10 of pregnancy. Immediately consult a doctor if you experience this because an ectopic pregnancy needs rapid treatment.

2. Miscarriage

Miscarriage usually occurs because the baby is not well developed. When you will experience a miscarriage, you will usually experience abdominal cramps, bleeding, and pain in the middle of the lower abdomen at certain times during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Some other signs of miscarriage are back pain, contractions every 5-20 minutes, and heavy bleeding.

3. Abnormal placenta

It is a condition in which the placenta separates from the uterus before the baby is born. Very long and painful abdominal pain can be a symptom of abrupt placenta. Some other symptoms of placental abruption, namely rupture of the amniotic fluid accompanied by blood and back pain.

4. Urinary tract infections

This problem can be experienced during pregnancy and can be the reason why you get a stomachache during pregnancy. If you experience pain or pain in the lower abdomen followed by pain when urinating, you may experience a cencin tract infection. It is best to consult a doctor immediately if you experience this, because if left unchecked it can cause complications.

5. Preeclampsia

If you experience abdominal pain at the top (under the ribs on the right side), this could be a sign that you have preeclampsia. Other signs of preeclampsia, namely nausea, vomiting, and high blood pressure. Usually this problem occurs after 20 weeks' gestation.

Causes of Stomach Pain When Pregnant: From Mild To Dangerous
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