How to prevent contracting the Zika virus while pregnant?


Medical Video: What You Need to Know About Zika Virus | Pregnancy and Sexual Transmission

The actual zika virus was first discovered in 1947 in monkey saliva. Then, in 2007, the zika virus became an outbreak in the Pacific region. Diseases transmitted through mosquito bites are very dangerous, especially for pregnant women.

Why is the zika virus dangerous for pregnant women?

Zika has been determined by WHO as a public health emergency that has troubled the world on February 1, 2016. It was determined as such because it has been proven that zika virus infection in pregnant women can be transmitted to her unborn baby.

Zika in pregnant women can increase the risk of microcephalus and other neurological disorders in newborns. Microcephaly is a neurological condition in which a baby is born with a small head and a small brain. In addition, zika in pregnant women can also cause the baby to experience eye problems, hearing loss, and growth disorders.

However, not all pregnant women infected with the zika virus will certainly have babies with such health problems. Some infected pregnant women can still have healthy babies. But, still zika is dangerous. Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to avoid themselves from the zika virus.

How does the Zika virus spread?

The zika virus is spread by mosquitoes Aedes, which can also cause dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Mosquitoes that carry this virus can infect people they bite. In addition, zika can also spread through blood transfusions and sexual relations. So, if you have sex with someone who is infected with the zika virus, then you can contract zika. You need to know that the virus in semen can live longer than in the blood.

Unfortunately, there are currently no vaccines or drugs that can prevent or cure zika. So, preventive behavior is needed to avoid yourself from zika.

How do you prevent the zika virus during pregnancy?

Because the most common spread of the zika virus is from mosquitoes, you need to protect yourself from mosquito bites to prevent zika. To avoid yourself from mosquito bites, the first thing to consider is your environment so that there is no mosquito nest.

The government has launched a movement 3M Plus to eradicate mosquito nests, namely:

  • Mdrain or clean the water reservoir. Remember, mosquitoes like to live in puddles.
  • Mcover the water reservoir
  • Mutilize or recycle used goods that can hold rainwater
  • Plus other activities that can prevent mosquito nests, such as using mosquito nets, not hanging clothes in the room, repairing drains that are not smooth, and others

After your environment is protected from mosquito nests, then next is protecting yourself. You can do:

  • Using insect repellent, you can lotion insect repellent or insect repellent spray
  • Using closed clothes, long pants and long sleeves
  • Close the room window and use the air conditioner in the room (if any)
  • Not traveling to countries that are declared zika active

To prevent the Zika virus from spreading from sexual relations, you need to do:

  • Using a condom during sexual intercourse
  • Not share sex toys with other people
  • Not having sex, especially with people who have just gone to the active state of Zika
How to prevent contracting the Zika virus while pregnant?
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