Vegetarian Diet When Pregnant, May Or Not?


Medical Video: Are You Really Eating for Two? Food and Nutrition During Pregnancy

Are you pregnant now? Or are you planning a pregnancy in the near future? For pregnant women, foods that contain various nutrients are the most important things that must be obtained during pregnancy. Nutritional needs of pregnant women naturally increase because he is no longer alone at that time. Eating and drinking must be considered the type and amount because he eats for two people, himself and the baby being conceived. Then what if the mother has a vegetarian diet while pregnant?

A vegetarian diet is a eating habit that avoids various kinds of animal-based foods. Animal food sources are dinari depending on the type of vegetarian diet that is applied.Actually applying a vegeterian diet while pregnant is still a debate and raises pros and cons.

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Benefits of undergoing a vegetarian diet while pregnant

Many positive effects that mothers get from applying this diet during pregnancy. For example, vegetable protein sources that make the kidneys work lighter compared to consuming sources of animal protein. In addition, eating plant-based foods can help maintain tooth decay - which is common in pregnant women.

Some medical conditions that often occur in pregnant women can be prevented by applying a vegetarian diet, such as:

  • Obesity
  • Hypertension
  • Constipation
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Gallstones

Women who adopt a vegetarian diet also consume more healthy foods than they do junk food.

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The risk of a vegetarian diet in pregnant women

If pregnant women apply a vegetarian diet do have to do more to fulfill their nutritional needs. This is because most food sources for the vegetarian diet are not the best source of some minerals and vitamins that are actually needed by pregnant women. For example, calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin D should be obtained from animal food sources because of the high absorption rate and better quality of nutrients.

Therefore pregnant women who apply a vegetarian diet must plan their diet well, with the selection of the right type and portion of food so as not to lack the necessary nutrients.

How to apply a vegetarian diet while pregnant?

The following are sources of nutrients that pregnant women need that can also be obtained from vegetarian sources, such as:


The amount of iron needed for women of adult age is around 18 mg per day, but for pregnant women the amount needed increases to 27 mg per day. The best source of iron can be found in beef, chicken meat, beef liver, and fish.

Because people who apply a vegetarian diet do not eat food from animal sources, it is recommended to add a portion of iron-based food sources that can be obtained from, various dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, mustard greens, kale, and kale, various types of beans, wheat and foods fortified with iron. Avoid consuming tea or coffee because it can interfere with the absorption of iron in the body.

READ ALSO: Vitamins & Minerals Supplements that are Important for Vegetarians

Vitamin B12

Many types of vegetarian diets, from those that only avoid eating meat to not eating all animal food sources. Pregnant women who only avoid meat can get enough vitamin B12 from milk and cheese to meet the mother's needs. But if you avoid all things related to animal foods, then the source of vitamin B12 can be obtained from soybeans and some types of foods that have been fortified with vitamin B12.

In addition, pregnant women can also consume vitamin B12 supplementation to meet those needs, because in one day vitamin B12 needed is 2.6 μg per day.

Vitamin D

Fortunately, more vitamin D is obtained from sunlight. Skin exposed to sunlight will automatically produce vitamin D. However, still excessive exposure to sunlight can be bad for health. Vitamin D is actually also found in milk and eggs.

If a pregnant woman who only avoids meat, then she can still consume milk and eggs. While pregnant women who avoid all animal source foods are encouraged to take vitamin D supplements. The need for vitamin D needed by pregnant women is still the same as the need before pregnancy, which is around 5 μg per day.


This type of mineral is very necessary for pregnant women because it is good for the growth and development of the baby. When pregnant women lack zinc, then children who will be born are then at risk of experiencing various health problems. Zinc needs for pregnant women is 11 mg per day. The source of zinc derived from plant foods actually has a low level of absorption or bioavailability in the intestine, so the best source of zinc is animal food.

But zinc can still be found in various plant-based food sources such as beans, wheat, and cereals which have added zinc minerals. Pregnant women can increase the portion of food sources of zinc from plant foods, this will help increase absorption of zinc in the body.

READ ALSO: 10 Best Meat Nutrition Substitutes If You Are A Vegetarian


If a pregnant woman is a person who applies a vegan diet, it must be ensured that she gets enough calcium, because one of the most common problems experienced by people who adopt a vegetarian diet is calcium deficiency. Calcium can be found in dark green leafy vegetables, beans, tofu, tempeh, and bread.

Consumption of vitamin or mineral supplements, must be accompanied by consultation and prior discussion with a specialist to avoid side effects that might be caused by supplementation consumption.

Vegetarian Diet When Pregnant, May Or Not?
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