4 Key Keys You Must Hold For Healthy Harmonious Relationships


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Every couple who is in love certainly wants to have a healthy relationship. But to achieve it cannot be free. It takes effort and a long struggle from both sides if you want a relationship you are both kept away from the tempest of conflict to continue to last until old age. Do you know what the key is to keep the relationship cool and harmonious?

Important factors for creating healthy relationships

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Some of the following must be in a healthy relationship with your partner:

1. Are equally caring and involved

A love affair that is always healthy, lasting, and harmonious must be strengthened by an inner bond between you and your partner.

Further clarified by Dr. Sue Johnson, a clinical psychologist in the United States, a relationship can be vulnerable to shaking and breaking without the same strong bond between you. Just imagine a bridge that stretches over the surface of the water. If only one side is strong, the bridge will break easily over time because it is not supported by the opposite side.

Likewise with romance. The two parties involved in the relationship must be equally willing to sacrifice for each other, must be willing to be equally concerned with each other, and must be equally willing to be involved in all aspects ranging from trivial to complex, to maintain the relationship of romance.

2. Honest and open communication

Communication and openness are the keys to harmonious, lasting relationships that are far from bickering. Even a small lie that at first seems trivial can result in catastrophe if one party knows it. Likewise, by keeping secrets from the couple, for whatever reason. This is because it means you don't trust your partner completely.

So from the outset, all the problems that propped up in the heart should be expressed and talked about using cool heads to find the best solution.

3. Not demanding

Every human being is a unique individual who has different characteristics from each other. So if you are ready to undergo a love affair with someone, that means you also have to be prepared with all the advantages and disadvantages of that person.

But of course this means that you are not "legowo" and just surrender to the qualities of a less good partner. Because the bad qualities can also affect the course of your relationship.

The solution is again in point number 2, namely by talking carefully. Do not do anything yet you immediately demand a partner to change. Communicating helps find solutions that are equally good for you and your partner, then learn to deal with them together.

In essence, couples may not only be mutually diverse in their likes but also when they are sad.

4. Respect each other

Healthy relationships involve two people who are just and equally strong, like a partnership. There cannot be one person who has a higher degree or feels more special than the other. There must not be one party who feels disadvantaged.

Mutual respect can be demonstrated by "small" actions such as acknowledging mistakes, apologizing for making mistakes, and thanking you for all the good things your partner does for you. This indirectly shows that you appreciate him so that you make your partner feel valued. He will also be motivated to always try to spoil you.

A healthy relationship must also be free from all kinds of terror of physical violence, sexual violence, and emotional violence such as degrading and harassing a partner's self-esteem.

4 Key Keys You Must Hold For Healthy Harmonious Relationships
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