What causes teeth to become porous and broken?


Medical Video: Dentist says DO NOT CROWN YOUR TEETH! - Proves it with a Clinical example!

Although the teeth are made of enamel, the only natural body production material that is the most resilient, teeth can be cracked and broken if they receive great pressure. But it turns out the meaning of broken teeth is not only caused by a direct hit to the face - for example, when a car accident.

The meaning of broken teeth may be caused by a system in your body that does not work properly. For example, do you know that teeth, like glass, can crack as a result of extreme temperature changes? Well, you know!

What do you mean broken teeth?

Below are nine common causes of broken teeth.

1. Physical impact on the face / jaw

In addition to falling hard objects or driving accidents, the meaning of broken teeth is also caused by contact sports such as soccer, basketball, or martial arts such as boxing or thai boxing.

Oral trauma is one of the causes of cracked and broken teeth, so athletic activities can increase your risk of experiencing this. Falling, crashing into other players, or getting hit, hit by an operand / hard ball can crack your teeth.

If you are among those who are routinely involved in heavy physical contact sports, it is very important to use a mouth protection device that lines your teeth during matches or training sessions.

2. Bruxism

Bruxism is the habit of gnashing teeth that is done unconsciously, because bruxism usually occurs when you sleep. Clench both the upper and lower jaws, while also tingling your teeth gradually but continually eroding your teeth, especially on the surface of chewing teeth. Weak tooth enamel is much more susceptible to porousness and cracking, even if only under a little pressure.

To prevent further tooth decay, protect your tooth enamel with a special dental protective device that doctors can prescribe for you to use at night while you are asleep.

3. Chew food / hard objects

Be careful what you put in your mouth. Many people assume that all foods are safe to chew. Not necessarily. Chewing ice cubes, hard candy, or non-food hard objects - for example, those of you who like to gnaw at the tip of a pen or nail tip - can make teeth porous, crack, and eventually break.

If you have a habit of chewing hard objects, you should start to avoid doing it from now on and replace this bad habit by chewing sugar-free gum.

4. Sensitive teeth

The American Dental Association (ADA) notes that exposure to extreme temperature changes received by tooth enamel, such as eating hot food and then drinking ice water can cause teeth to crack and break easily. If you have sensitive teeth, it is important to tell your dentist about this.

5. Genetic

Having soft tooth enamel may be a decreased genetic tendency in your family. This genetic disorder can also affect dentin, the lower layer of enamel. This genetic condition causes weak teeth, so it can easily crack and break.

6. Disease

Teeth can be weakened as an effect of osteoporosis, the condition of body bone loss, or kidney disease - which can affect calcium absorption.

In addition to the two conditions above, the meaning of your broken tooth may come from the advanced periodontal disease that you currently have. If left untreated, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) can cause serious inflammatory infections that radiate to the surrounding teeth and weaken the teeth bones.

7. Cavities

The bacteria that cause cavities live in the mouth and produce acidic liquids that can eat away the tooth enamel. This causes the teeth to crack and change color. Molar teeth are also more likely to be severe, causing even more damage due to openings that allow bacteria to infect the deepest parts of the teeth.

Cavities can be overcome by doing dental fillings at the doctor, or if the dentist has continued to do root canal therapy to clean the hollow craters of the teeth and close them with artificial dental crowns to fortify your teeth from future risk.

8. Food

The meaning of your broken tooth may come from what you eat during this time. Eating sugar, flour, or acidic foods can erode enamel and make your teeth more susceptible to damage. In addition, eating snacks, such as potato chips or hard crackers that place undue pressure on your teeth increases the risk of tooth decay.

9. Uneven tooth strips

Braces are not only a solution for you to have a charming smile, but also can improve pain or discomfort caused by the position of the jaw that is not right when chewing. All types of malocclusion (uneven teeth) can cause tooth loss and ease. This is why correction of the teeth and grooves is very important to support your oral health in the long run.

What causes teeth to become porous and broken?
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