Hi Husbands, Here Are 15 Signs Your Wife Is Pregnant


Medical Video: Husband makes pregnant wife with 3 sons work! [Hello Counselor Sub: ENG,THA/2018.05.14]

Whether you and your partner are planning a pregnancy or not, pregnancy is a wonderful surprise for the family. For husbands, you can also see the signs, maybe even before your own wife realizes that she is pregnant. The sooner you realize the signs of a pregnant wife, you and your family can better prepare for pregnancy. In addition, your wife must be more happy because you really care about her.

1. Abdominal cramps

The characteristics of this one pregnancy are indeed rather difficult to realize. Because, every month your wife may experience abdominal cramps similar to menstruation. Pregnancy cramps and menstruation are indeed similar, but all you have to pay attention to is when these stomach cramps are felt. If your wife is menstruating at the end of the month while in the middle of the month she has complained about stomach cramps, you need to get ready. Also pay attention if your wife does not have menstruation even though it is past the usual date. You should make sure at home there is already a supply of pregnancy test kits.

2. Breasts become bigger

The tissues in the breast are strongly influenced by hormones that change when your wife is pregnant. Breasts will become swollen and feel heavy. So if you see a change in your wife's breasts, your wife may be pregnant.

3. Very sensitive breasts

In addition to enlarging, your wife's breasts will also feel more sensitive. Her breasts may feel uncomfortable or painful. Some women complain of pain in the nipple, but there is also a feeling of pain throughout the breast area. You may also notice that on your wife's breasts bluish streaks appear.

4. Skin problems appear

Pregnant women will show some changes to their skin. Skin problems that may occur are pimples or rashes caused by unbalanced hormones, dry and cracked lips, and itchy skin. When pregnant, your wife's skin will become more sensitive. So if your wife starts having various skin problems for no apparent reason, don't rush to the dermatologist. It is possible that you and your wife need an obstetrician.

5. Easy to get tired

Pay attention if your wife gets tired easily. For example when climbing stairs, walking in a shopping center, or cleaning up the house. In addition, frequent naps and always wanting to sleep fast at night is also a sign that your wife is pregnant.

6. Frequent urination

If your wife suddenly becomes more frequent going to the toilet, every hour for example, your wife may become pregnant. When a woman is pregnant, the production of hcG hormone in the body will trigger blood circulation around the pelvis and kidneys. As a result, your wife often feels the urge to urinate.

7. Sensitive to odor

Women who are pregnant will be very sensitive to the smell around them. Whether it's a pleasant aroma or not, your wife can immediately feel uncomfortable. Even the smell that your wife once liked like a car perfume can make her sick.

8. Diet changes

One sign of a pregnant wife is a change in diet. Usually pregnant women will be more often looking for snacks. Foods that were previously preferred can also suddenly become unpleasant on the tongue. You also need to get ready if your wife starts to reduce the portion of her meal because her stomach feels bad.

9. Nausea

Many pregnant women will experience nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning. However, not all women will experience this during pregnancy. Some also will feel nausea in the middle or end of pregnancy. Most husbands only realize nausea and vomiting as a sign of pregnancy, but that does not mean that if the wife does not feel nauseous then she is not pregnant.

10. Headaches

As a result of hormonal changes and increased volume of blood flowing in the body, your wife will feel dizzy and have a headache. Be careful, if the headache is felt due to pregnancy, you and your wife should pay attention to what headache medication is consumed because some drugs risk giving side effects to pregnant women. This is why as a husband you also need to be fully aware of the various signs your wife is pregnant.

11. Mood changes

For husbands, don't get frustrated immediately when your wife begins to experience drastic mood swings. This can be the good news that has been long awaited. Pregnant women will indeed become more emotionally sensitive because of hormonal changes in the body.

12. Respiratory disorders

Some women complain of shortness of breath when pregnant. They seemed to be panting as if they were out of breath. The fetus that grows in your wife's womb also needs oxygen, your wife must share. In addition, as long as the fetus continues to develop, the lungs and diaphragm will also feel a little depressed so your wife is at risk of experiencing difficulty breathing.

13. Constipation and bloating

Your wife often strokes her stomach because it feels uncomfortable? He may experience constipation and bloating due to pregnancy. This is because the production of the hormone progestone in pregnant women increases by 10-fold. The digestive system will be disrupted.

14. Body temperature increases

For couples who are trying a pregnancy, maybe every ovulation period your wife often measures body temperature. If your body temperature increases and your wife becomes warmer than usual, you and your wife may have succeeded in conception.

15. Low back pain

If your wife suddenly complains of low back pain while not doing certain strenuous activities, maybe your wife is pregnant. Low back pain occurs because the ligaments begin to relax and your wife starts to often use the back as the center of the body weight.


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Hi Husbands, Here Are 15 Signs Your Wife Is Pregnant
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