Benefits of Red Wine for Health


Medical Video: Red Wine Risks Medical Course

In ancient times, red grapes and preparations were often served to nobles and kings. In the past, red wine was known as a luxury fruit, nowadays wine can be bought on the market at a reasonable price. However, it is only appropriate that red wine was asked as the fruit of the kings. There are a myriad of benefits of red wine that you can get. Don't believe it yet? Here are the benefits of red wine for your health.

The difference is red wine, black wine, and green wine

Red wine contains less calories than green wine (also known as white wine). In addition, the benefits of red wine for health are also greater than green grapes. This is because the more the color of the fruits, the greater the content of phytonutrients and antioxidants.

The nutritional content of red wine is very similar to black wine. The most striking difference between the two types of grapes is just the taste. Black grapes taste stronger and sweeter than red grapes.

Benefits of red wine for health

Regularly eat red grapes to maintain your beauty and health. Here are a variety of benefits of red wine that you miss.

1. Prevent cancer

Red wine is rich in resveratrol, a type of antioxidant that functions to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body. This content is also good for blocking harmful radiation such as ultraviolet A (UVA) and B (UVB) from sunburn. Radiation exposure is at risk of causing skin cancer.

2. Against premature aging

The antioxidant content in red wine serves to capture free radicals in the body. Free radicals come from pollution, chemicals from food or skin care products, or from cigarettes. Free radicals will damage and kill various cells in the body. This cell damage can cause premature aging. Symptoms include wrinkles, gray hair, or porous bones.

3. Maintain brain health

The benefits of red wine can also be felt by your brain. Revesratrol in red wine can facilitate blood circulation to the brain. Blood is needed by the brain as a source of oxygen and nutrients to function properly. In addition, a study in Germany proved that revestratrol can help strengthen human memory.

4. Relieves allergy and inflammation symptoms

Red wine has antihistamine anti-inflammatory properties. So, this fruit is good for you who are sick because of inflammation such as pneumonia, sore throat, or appendicitis. Meanwhile, antihistamines are needed by the body when histamine (a natural substance produced by the human immune system) overreacts. Histamine reactions can cause allergic symptoms.

5. Balancing cholesterol levels

This fruit is efficacious to balance cholesterol levels thanks to the content of saponins. This substance can catch excess cholesterol in the body before being absorbed into the blood. That way, your cholesterol level will remain balanced. Balanced cholesterol levels can keep you away from diseases such as obesity and heart disease.

Benefits of Red Wine for Health
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