5 Quick Ways to Advertise Sky Mouth Burns Due to Hot and Spicy Eating


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During this time the skin is known as the most sensitive part of the body to touch and stimulation. In fact, the mouth and every area in it have functions that are not much different. There are millions of fine tissues in the mouth that make it more sensitive to hot and spicy dishes, including the palate. The most obvious sign is when you suddenly feel a hot mouth accompanied by a burning sensation. Take it easy, so as not to be tormented any longer, you can overcome this condition by doing simple treatments at home.

Various ways to deal with hot mouth

Any kind of hot food and drink, especially those in the form of liquid, can easily cause a burning sensation in the mouth, according to drg. Kimberly Harms, DD, a dentist from the American Dental Association.

The reason is that the tissues that make up the palate tend to be smooth and thin so that they are very susceptible to heat than other soft tissues. That is why, you may realize the mouth feels sore, swollen, reddish, until it is difficult to feel food and drink.

In order to be able to enjoy your meal as usual, try easy tricks to deal with complaints of hot palate in ways such as:

1. Drink plenty of cold water

drink cold water

Most people will reflexively drink cold water when the palate is hot after eating food and drinks that are too hot or spicy. Not only does it help cool the area of ​​the mouth that feels like it is burning, it also prevents damage to the inner lining of the mouth.

However, avoid sucking or eating directly ice cubes that are still quite hard. We recommend that you add water to a glass of ice cubes, or let the ice melt until it can be drunk. In addition, drinking large amounts of fluids can help keep the body hydrated optimally to support the healing process.

2. Eat sweet foods

diabetic sweet foods

Eating sweet foods and drinks can be another option for treating heat and burning sensations in the palate. For example yogurt, milk, chocolate, candy, pudding, ice cream, and others.

This is not without reason, because sweet foods and drinks can act as if they are temporary diversions so that the sores in the mouth do not feel hot or painful.

3. Honey

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Honey is quite famous thanks to the effective antimicrobial properties to slow the growth of microorganisms, prevent infection, while accelerating the process of wound healing.

This is the reason why honey can help cure a burning sensation in your palate. Shortly after applying honey to the mouth that is hot, the damp feeling will help relieve pain in the burning mouth.

4. Avoid foods that are too hot, spicy, and crunchy

eat spicy

Van B. Haywood, DMD, lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry at Augusta University, advises you to stay away from crispy food with sharp, hot and spicy tips for the time being for faster recovery.

This type of food will actually aggravate the wound in your mouth, making it far more painful than before. Instead, you can choose foods with a soft texture until your mouth heals completely.

5. Rinse salt water

the benefits of salt water for oral health

For years, rinsing water with salt is known to be able to overcome various mouth problems. One of them is to accelerate the healing of a wounded mouth and prevent it from developing into an infection.

You can make it by dissolving a quarter teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Next, gargle as usual and dispose of the water that has been used. Perform routine for 3-4 days until the wound in the mouth heals completely.

When to see a doctor?

Injuries to the palate are divided into several stages. Starting from the fairly mild, moderate, to really severe. If the wound in the palate is so severe that it cannot be treated only at home, especially when it does not improve for more than two weeks, accompanied by fever, swelling in the mouth area, and more severe pain, it is better to consult this condition more immediately continue with the doctor.

Because the wound that causes a burning sensation such as burning over time can destroy the mucous layer around the mouth. Doctors will usually prescribe painkillers to relieve inflammation.

5 Quick Ways to Advertise Sky Mouth Burns Due to Hot and Spicy Eating
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