Why Are Pregnant Women Faster Sweating?


Medical Video: 5 Things Your Sweat Is Trying To Tell You

Sweating during pregnancy is one of the common conditions or complaints felt by pregnant women. Sweat is a liquid that originates from the sweat glands below the skin, its function is to help and regulate body temperature when you feel hot. Then, why do pregnant women often sweat excessively?

What causes a woman to sweat while pregnant?

When a woman is pregnant, it will cause many hormonal changes. For example, pregnancy can make pregnant women get hemorrhoids, the gums become sensitive, and even the face to breakouts. These hormonal changes usually occur and their effects can make the hypothalamus (the area of ​​the brain that helps regulate body temperature) react.

The hypothalamus will trigger a body sweat reflex that is designed to cool the body when the temperature is really heating up. The body sweats during pregnancy, usually occurs in the first trimester, third trimester and postpartum. All periods of pregnancy will have more impact during the second trimester of pregnancy and can disappear gradually.

Some responsible sweat glands are as follows.

  • Aprokin is a gland that often triggers sweating during pregnancy. The aprokin gland is mainly in the armpit and around your genital area. Aprokin is responsible if your body produces body odor (caused by a combination of sweat and bacteria in the body).
  • Eccrine is a gland that is responsible for the production of sweat that comes out during pregnancy. This gland is usually found in all parts of your body, but its main location is on the face, chest, back and armpits. Eccrine gland will not cause odor to the body during pregnancy. But unfortunately, these glands often sweat more during pregnancy.

How to deal with a sweaty body during pregnancy?

Basically there is no effective medicine to stop excessive sweating during pregnancy. However, you can still outsmart with several ways to make the body not sweat too much.

1. Make sure your body is not short of fluids

When you sweat, it means that the body will also lose more water. Especially when pregnant, one risk of lack of fluids can cause dizziness and fainting. So, it is highly recommended to drink more than 2 liters of water a day, because liquids can help the body to regulate the temperature more stable.

Pregnant women are also advised to carry or store a drinking bottle that is close to reach. Besides drinking, pregnant women can also get fluids through fruit and vegetables.

2. Don't heat under the sun

When the body is in normal condition, being exposed to direct sunlight will cause the body to sweat, especially for pregnant women. It's better to avoid being directly in the hot air, if you want to take a walk in the afternoon or evening.

You can change your daytime activities by taking a dip or swimming in a swimming pool, which is useful to help relieve swelling in the ankles and hands.

3. Pay attention to clothes and bedding

To avoid being hot or sweaty during sleep, pregnant women are encouraged to wear clothing with a material that is light and absorbs sweat. Don't forget to also coat the bedding with a towel. Sleeping on a towel can help absorb sweat at night, so you won't feel too hot or hot.

Why Are Pregnant Women Faster Sweating?
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