Headaches After Making Love, Danger Or Not?


Medical Video: When To Consult A Doctor About Headaches

Sex should make you feel more relaxed. Even sex can help relieve headaches. However, there are people who actually feel headaches after making love. The pain that is felt is usually pierced, either on the back of the head or on one side of the head just like a migraine. The condition is felt suddenly, usually just before reaching orgasm, during orgasm, or after sex. There are also those who complain of headaches after watching porn.

Headaches after sexual activity are indeed rare. However, men are more likely to experience it, even up to three times that of women. Some people experience it every time they have sex, while others only experience it once or very rarely. This condition is also generally not permanent. If the headache is not caused by a particular health problem, after a while you will not feel a headache after any sexual activity.

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What does it mean if you have a headache after making love?

Most headaches after making love or engaging in other sexual activities are not serious. The headache can gradually disappear on its own. Until now, it is not yet known what the exact cause of the condition is. Experts believe that headaches arise because the body produces a lot of adrenaline hormone suddenly. Adrenaline will be produced by the body when you do activities that are quite intense, such as making love, reaching orgasm, or driving a car at high speed. However, there is no adequate explanation of how these hormones cause headaches.

Another theory that is also widely believed is that when you are close to climax, your blood pressure and heart rate can jump. If you have hypertension, you also become more susceptible to experiencing headaches after making love. There are also speculations that when you almost orgasm, the muscles of the neck, jaw, and head will suddenly tighten due to contraction. This muscle contraction makes the head feel painful.

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Although headaches after lovemaking are usually not threatening your life or health, you need to be careful. Headaches that appear suddenly can be a sign of a serious and dangerous health disorder. The following are various health conditions that may be related to headaches after making love.

  • Brain hemorrhage
  • Low blood pressure
  • Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis)
  • Brain aneurysm
  • Brain tumor
  • Stroke
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Side effects of drugs, such as birth control pills

When to see a doctor?

Pay attention to the headaches you feel. If you have never felt such a great headache before, you should consult with your doctor directly. If after sex or sexual activity the headache appears accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, fainting, and unresolved pain within 24 hours, immediately call emergency services or check with the nearest health facility.

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Relieves headaches after making love

If you have or often experience headaches after making love, don't panic first. Not that you cannot do sexual activity at all. Do the following if you have a headache after sex.

  • Take painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol, and aspirin)
  • If it happens frequently, check with your doctor and take medication prescribed by a doctor. Usually you will be given migraine, hypertension or coronary heart disease
  • Drink turmeric
  • Inhale peppermint aromatherapy
  • If the headache appears in the middle of your intimate session, stop it first until the headache subsides
  • Sit or lie relaxed while taking a few deep breaths

Prevent headaches after making love

In order for your hot session and your partner not to end up with a headache, avoid making love with positions or movements that can make you dizzy. For example movements that are too fast or have sex while standing. Many people who experience this condition claim that making love slowly manages to reduce the risk of headaches.

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As a precautionary measure, you can also take painkillers or migraine drugs for about one hour before starting to make love or engage in certain sexual activities. However, you should first consult with your doctor to determine what dosage is safe or how often you can consume it.

Headaches After Making Love, Danger Or Not?
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