If Too Late for KB Injections, Can You Get Pregnant?


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Injection KB is a method of contraception that involves a balance of hormones in the body. It's the same as birth control pills that also affect hormones. The difference in injection KB you do not need to inject injections every day. This is more practical. Simply going to your obstetrician and injecting family planning will have the effect of preventing pregnancy throughout the next 12 to 13 weeks. More practical, right?

However, even though it is more practical, some injecting family planning users often switch to other contraceptives because they often forget when they last injected with KB and finally got late injecting from the scheduled schedule. If you are like this, can you get pregnant if you have a late injection of KB? See below.

What happens when doing KB injections?

Injection KB is an effective type of contraception to prevent pregnancy. In KB injections there is a progestin hormone that is capable of engineering female hormone conditions so that pregnancy can be prevented.

This injection is not valid for life or not permanently, people who want to prevent pregnancy need to do this injection every 12 weeks or 3 months. Within 12 weeks, KB injections will work by stopping the ovulation process (release of the egg). Because the ovulation process stops for 12 weeks, the incoming sperm will not meet the egg, and the pregnancy does not occur.

During these 12 weeks, KB injections also cause mucus in the cervix to thicken so that sperm cannot enter further into the uterus. In addition, these injections temporarily thin the uterine wall, so that the uterine wall cannot be used as a process of embryo development. That means, even if fertilization occurs beforehand, the embryo cannot live in the womb and pregnancy does not occur.

With these three methods, injection of KB becomes very effective in preventing pregnancy. Unfortunately injection of KB provides several side effects such as irregular menstruation, increased appetite, headaches, increased body weight, increased blood pressure, and bone loss. That is why the use of family planning must be under the supervision of a doctor.

Reported from the Healthline page, if you feel side effects, this means that the effect will remain until the hormone content that is injected is used up in the body, which is for 12-13 weeks thereafter. If you stop using it 3 months after the first injection, the side effects will also gradually disappear. But the effects of bone loss are permanent, cannot be restored as before.

Is it possible for me to become pregnant if I have a late injection of KB?

If you are late injecting KB or miss the injection schedule that should be, pregnancy is very likely to occur. Of course with your notes you have sex, especially without other contraceptives such as condoms.

Reporting from the WebMD health site, you can get pregnant after 3-4 months of not getting a KB injection (since the last injection). But for some women who have not taken KB for 1-2 years, they are still not pregnant again. Yes, this effect can vary for each woman. But if you want to be safe, estimate the closest one. If it's been more than 3 months or even 4 months, your injection may not work anymore so pregnancy may occur.

For this reason, for those of you who are injecting birth control users, you should remember your injection schedule carefully. Because, your chances of getting pregnant will increase if the hormones from the KB injection have run out in the body.

Your doctor will usually ask you to take a pregnancy test if you find that you have been delayed for 2 weeks without a KB injection from the scheduled schedule and that you have had sex in the last 120 hours.

What should be done if you forget about KB injections?

Sometimes some women forget the last injection of KB, but have had sex with a partner. Now, to overcome this problem, use a condom for protection until you really make sure when you last injected KB.

Or if you are still in doubt, you should postpone intimate relationships until you have the next KB injection at the obstetrician.

If you really forget and have already had sexual intercourse without contraception, you can use other options using emergency contraceptive pills. Use emergency contraceptive pills after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy, up to 120 hours (5 days) after intercourse. The longer you delay taking emergency contraception, the greater the chance of pregnancy.

Schedule the next KB injection

Make a schedule on your calendar that can be used to record when to re-inject KB, so you are not late in injecting KB.

You can also record it on your mobile calendar and put an alarm in the days approaching the next KB injection schedule. You can also ask your clinic to remind you when it's time to inject again. However, this reminder service depends on the policies in each clinic.

In addition, you can also use a reminder application to do KB injections. Now there are many types of applications which serve as reminders of time to use contraception regularly. After setting the last time you injected in the application, this application will usually give notice if the time to use the next contraception is getting closer.

You also need to notify the person closest or always around to remind you of the next KB injection. For example your partner. Tell them when you last injected family planning and when you need to get KB injections again.

If Too Late for KB Injections, Can You Get Pregnant?
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