5 Types of Medications for Depression and Insomnia That Turn Out to Enter the Psychotropic Group


Medical Video: Pharmacology - ANTIDEPRESSANTS - SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs, MAOIs, Lithium ( MADE EASY)

Do you often hear the term psychotropic drugs? Already know exactly what is meant by psychotropic acid? Psychotropic is a substance that can affect a person's mental condition. This is because the drug works on the human central nervous system, which is located in the brain. Many types of psychotropic drugs are classified as narcotics, but some are not prohibited, they are needed for medical reasons.

The use of psychotropic drugs must be under the supervision of a doctor, not arbitrary. However, due to people's understanding of the types of drugs, their nature and side effects on the body are still limited, many people end up abusing psychotropic drugs. In fact, there are many types of psychotropic drugs that are not widely known.

Group of psychotropic drugs

Psychotropic drugs are divided into four groups, namely:

  • Group I, namely psychotropic drugs with opium power (can cause dependence) which are very strong like MDMA / ecstasy, LAD, and STP. This type of psychotropic is prohibited from being used for therapy and only for the benefit of scientific development.
  • Group II, namely psychotropic with strong power, for example ritalin, methylphenidate, and amphetamine which are useful for research and treatment.
  • Group III, namely psychotropic acid with moderate opium power and useful for research and treatment, such as flunitrazepam, pentobarbital, buprenorsina, lumibal, and so on.
  • Group IV, namely psychotropic with mild opium power and may be used for medical treatment. Examples of this class of psokotropics are diazepam, nitrazepam (dumolid, mogadon, BK), and many more.

Psychotropic drugs

Knowledge of the types of psychotropic drugs is very necessary for everyone. By knowing the benefits and risks of side effects from consuming this drug, you can be free from abuse. When you want to take medicines, be sure to keep abreast of the prescriptions and recommendations of your doctor.

1. Xanax

Xanax is a drug that contains alprazolam which is an anti-anxiety, panic and depression drug. Although its main function is as a sedative, this drug must be taken according to the doctor's prescription.

The content of alprazolam will bind to the GABA receptor (Gamma-aminobutyric acid), which is nerve cells and brain hormones whose purpose is to inhibit dangerous neurological reactions. So that those who consume xanax will be calmer and easily drowsy. Side effects of excessive consumption of xanax are dizziness, memory loss, seizures, allergies, and mood swings.

2. Valium

Valium is another name for diazepam, which is a type of benzodiazepine drug that affects the nervous system of the brain and provides a calming effect. This drug is generally used as a sedative, anti-depression, overcome insomnia and convulsions.

Valium overdose can be fatal. Valium consumption is recommended for no more than 4 weeks. If it's excessive, this drug can cause addiction, internal organ disorders, confusion, hallucinations, and even suicidal thoughts.

know about benzodiazepine drugs

3. Ativan

Ativan is one drug that contains lorazepam, which is commonly used to treat the symptoms of severe anxiety disorders and insomnia. Lorazepam belongs to the class of benzodiazepines that work in the brain and central nervous system to produce a calming effect.

Therefore, this anxiolytic is also often used as a sedative before patients undergo minor surgery, such as dental surgery, and overcome epileptic seizures. These drugs should only be taken according to a doctor's prescription for the short term because they can trigger withdrawal symptoms.

4. Librium

Librium is one drug that contains chlordiazepoxide, which is a sedative. Usually this drug is used to relieve anxiety symptoms, including nervousness or anxiety. This drug is also usually given to patients who will undergo surgery to reduce anxiety. This type of drug is also often used to treat alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Chlordiazepoxide works by affecting brain nerve cells to cause a calming effect. Chlordiazepoxide belongs to the group of benzodiazepine drugs which also have the effect of relaxing the muscles and as an anti-seizure. These drugs should only be obtained by prescription and taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Common side effects after using these drugs are drowsiness, dizziness, more aggressive, dazed, and can cause dependence.

5. Dumolid

Dumolid is the brand name of the 5 mg nitrazepam generic drug which belongs to the class of Benzodiazepines, sedatives. Dumolid drugs are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for short-term therapy to treat severe sleep disorders (insomnia), seizures, anxiety disorders, and depression.

Nitrazepam belongs to group IV psychotropic. Nitrazepam 5 mg creates a feeling of calm and relaxation both physically and mentally, which creates a high level of dependency effect. It has been proven not only to patients who are prescribed strictly and regularly, also to those who illegally abuse dumolid drugs as narcotics.

5 Types of Medications for Depression and Insomnia That Turn Out to Enter the Psychotropic Group
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